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Custom Boot Animation v1.5 XEX file for Xbox 360 - Downloads - 360Haven

Downloads: Custom Boot Animation v1.5 XEX file for Xbox 360

Custom Boot Animation v1.5 XEX file for Xbox 360

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Uploaded by brienj - 11-23-2012
Author Author Brien L. Johnson AKA brienj
File Size File Size 5.48 MB
Downloads Downloads 224
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Updated to v1.5 at 10:50 AM EST on 11/25/2012

Here is the README -

Custom Boot Animation v1.5 for Xbox 360 by Brien L. Johnson AKA brienj, President and Owner of XHP Creations

This file is only allowed to be hosted at 360Haven.com unless you give a link back. Posting this readme unedited with the download is sufficient enough. Requests to host elsewhere can be made to [email protected]

I made this, because the only other boot animation I know of that was made for the Xbox 360, was fakeanim.xex made for use with DashLaunch. I can not use DashLaunch on my console, so I decided to make my own custom boot animation program.


v1.5 - Added ability to bypass normal loading of the default file with button presses

v1.4 - Added ability to load devkit xshell dash (Unreleased)

v1.3 - Optimized code, which reduced the file size of xex by half, and put in error handling if no WMV file is found

v1.2 - Added Juggle function to randomly play any WMV file in the BootAnim folder (Unreleased)

v1.1 - Added ability to load MS dash instead of just a custom xex file (Unreleased)

v1.0 - Initial Release

Instructions for loading custom XEX file after boot animation plays:

First of all, you MUST have an RGH\JTAG\devkit Xbox 360, this of course will NOT work on a retail 360.

Rename the xex file you wish to launch after the boot animation finishes to "launch.xex".

Next, take the default.xex file and the BootAnim folder (you can put all the WMV video files you want in this folder, I just included a demo video) and place them in the directory of the program that you want to launch after the boot animation finishes.

Setup your Xbox to automatically boot to this default.xex and PROFIT!

Instructions for loading MS dash after boot animation plays:

First of all, you MUST have an RGH\JTAG\devkit Xbox 360, this of course will NOT work on a retail 360.

Take the default.xex and dash files, and the BootAnim folder (you can put all the WMV video files you want in this folder, I just included a demo video) and place them in a directory of your choice on the Xbox 360 HDD.

Setup your Xbox to automatically boot to this default.xex and PROFIT!

An alternate method is to press the 'X' button on your controller while the video is playing. This will over-ride loading the default file.

Instructions for loading devkit xshell dash after boot animation plays:

First of all, you MUST have an RGH\JTAG\devkit Xbox 360, this of course will NOT work on a retail 360.

Your Xbox 360 must also have the xshell.xex in your System Flash.

Take the default.xex and xshell files, and the BootAnim folder (you can put all the WMV video files you want in this folder, I just included a demo video) and place them in a directory of your choice on the Xbox 360 HDD.

Setup your Xbox to automatically boot to this default.xex and PROFIT!

An alternate method is to press the 'Y' button on your controller while the video is playing. This will over-ride loading the default file.

Setup Xbox to boot this xex file:

There are various ways to setup your Xbox to boot this xex file depending on your setup, but here are the steps for people with a devkit and the Xbox 360 SDK, the ones that this will be most beneficial too, since they can't use DashLaunch.

Open the Xbox 360 SDK Command Prompt and type the following -


For example, if your IP Address is and the xex file is in the DEVKIT partition in a folder named TEST, you would type this:

xbsetcfg /x /Title HDD:\DEVKIT\TEST\default.xex

This will set your 360 to automatically boot into the xex file.

Extra Instructions:

Before you reboot your console, I would run the default.xex file manually to make sure it plays the video and then launches your intended program, if that works, as long as you setup your 360 correctly to boot the default.xex file, everything should work.

The 360 has a built in boot animation, and the file that controls this is called "bootanim.xex" and is inside your FLASH. If you can make a backup of bootanim.xex or your NAND dump, then go ahead and delete bootanim.xex if you don't want the stock boot animation to play before your custom one. It's fine to leave the stock boot animation though, you don't have to delete it unless you want to. As I said, make sure you back it up before you delete it in case you ever want to put it back.

You can pause/pay the video while playing by pressing the 'A' button on the controller. You can also stop the video early by pressing the 'B' button on the controller, which will load the default file you have setup. Pressing the 'X' button while the video is playing will over-ride loading the default file and load the MS dash. Pressing the 'Y' button while the video is playing will over-ride loading the default file and load the devkit xshell dash.

Yes, the file "dash" and "xshell" are just empty files named "dash" and "xshell". There is nothing special about them. You can name any file "dash" or "xshell" and it would load the MS dash or devkit xshell dash. This method of just finding a file named "dash" or "xshell" was more optimized than loading a config file.

You can put as many (well up to 1000) WMV 9 encoded preferably at 720p video files in the BootAnim folder that you want. It will play a random video each time. You can also just put one video file in the folder and it will always play that one at boot. If you don't put a video in the folder, it will just not play anything on boot.

If you need any help with this xex, just go to http://www.xhpcreations.com and there are links to the XHP Creations Twitter and Facebook page where I can help if needed or post your questions in the topic for the program at 360Haven.com. If you like this work and feel like donating anything, my PayPal email is [email protected]

Hope you enjoy!
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