Operators are used to operate on values.

PHP Operators

This section lists the different operators used in PHP.

Arithmetic Operators

Operator        Description                        Example                    Result
+                Addition                        x=2 or x+2                 4
-                 Subtraction                     x=2 or 5-x                 3
*                 Multiplication                     x=4 or x*5                 20
/                 Division                         15/5 or 5/2             3 or 2.5
%                 Modulus (division remainder)     5%2 or 10%8 or 10%2     1 or 2 or 0
++                 Increment                         x=5 or x++                 x=6 
--                 Decrement                         x=5 or x--                 x=4

Assignment Operators
Operator     Example     Is The Same As 
=             x=y         x=y 
+=             x+=y         x=x+y 
-=             x-=y         x=x-y 
*=             x*=y         x=x*y 
/=             x/=y         x=x/y 
.=             x.=y         x=x.y 
%=             x%=y         x=x%y

Comparison Operators
Operator     Description                     Example 
==             is equal to                     5==8 returns false 
!=             is not equal                     5!=8 returns true 
<>             is not equal                     5<>8 returns true 
>             is greater than                 5>8 returns false 
<             is less than                     5<8 returns true 
>=             is greater than or equal to     5>=8 returns false 
<=             is less than or equal to         5<=8 returns true
Logical Operators
Operator     Description     Example 
&&             and             x=6 y=3 (x < 10 && y > 1) returns true
||             or                 x=6 y=3 (x==5 || y==5) returns false
!             not             x=6 y=3 !(x==y) returns true