Quote Originally Posted by Philymaster View Post
I've checked the resources and you can only have up to 3k/200k resources offline.
Most likely you see the resources from your FOBs, that can't be modded and are saved online on their servers.

I am working on the next update, which supports staff modding. So you can make all staff to S++, edit their skills, edit their medals, morale and some other little not important things.
Trying to find a way to add/remove staff to/from the mother base, before releasing it.

If there are no further problems the release is next week!
After that I want to work on missions, upgrades and collectibles :)
That's right, folks! This is going to be a MAJOR update and a milestone in editing this game, it's been a long time coming. We're only sorry that it's taken this long, but keep in mind that we have things going on in life outside of this. This update is going to be so powerful that its power level and hype levels are OVER 9,000!!!

And that's not all! We're CLOSE and hot on the trail to the missions, upgrades/development and collectibles, so stay tuned, hold on to your butts and sit tight!
