My vote is no because most of the top players on this site and new ones who are making editors that no one else has tried i guess jappi/gorgon and others on this site. Sorry i have not been on this site in awhile just going by what i saw sorry for others that i have missed. But nevertheless everyone who has made a editor here it has always been free because this community is extreamly generous and i personally thank u this site is actually where i learnt how to mod.Now because of this reason that the community is generous lets not make a AIO paid for like horizon/ left 4 modz and basically every other one except 360 revolution /360tools Dont get me wrong there are tools that are good but making something free makes people happy and u are well respected and personally for me making someone happy is better then money which cant buy happiness unless u spend it on a girlfriend or some FUN activity. Now for the people that donate thats good kudos to them but they obviously have money to give to the site which is good and the shoutbox is exclusive to vip :P so there is the extra thing :) but anyway keep it free :) This is my rant about none sense :P