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Copies of Driver: San Francisco for Xbox 360 being sold by retailers do not include the Uplay Passport, a code required to access multiplayer beyond the 48-hour trial period.
Driver is the first title by Ubisoft to require a Uplay Passport.

Joystiq contacted Ubisoft late last week when we became aware of the situation. We received a response late last night, saying a statement provided today would "clear everything up in regard to the Uplay Passport codes and Driver: San Francisco."

The Uplay Passport insert in NTSC region copies currently contains a code that unlocks DLC, but is not the code that unlocks the multiplayer.

Update: The Uplay Passport is now free when attempting to purchase through the game. It is not currently available through the dashboard nor Ubisoft has yet to officially comment on this or on how long the Uplay Passport will be free through the game.