Hey everyone.
I hope someone who can help me will read this.

This is kinda importand

Im working on exProfileEditor for nearly 2 years now, most of the time active (even if I dont release anything) and some less active (Real Life > everything else) but right now Im sitting in a corner with this project.
I have a huge problem.

Right now Im using a glued-together STFS Solution from Supermodder´s / Anthony´s Code ( which can pretty good load, but not save ) and stoker25´s / Leon´s Code ( which can atleast save, but not 100% working code ).
In the past few months I didnt feel any satisfaction to work on this project anymore, since ( as you can see ) 90% of all Bugs are related to the above problem.

What Im searching right now is someone who want to revive the project and share his ( hopefully 100% working ) STFS-Class with me.
I only need a working example which works in 100% of all cases ( just CON is required ).
Sadly I dont have THAT much freetime on my hands to learn / write everything by myself, I actually have barely any time to work on exPE itself, but I always try to put a few hours into the whole things.

What I want to say is, that I need a contributor who is kind enough to share his code with me and who wants to give this project ( and me ) its life back.
