Square Enix recently issued 2013 annual report in which a section titled ‘Creator’s Voice’ has some of the company’s key people who shared their vision.

The interesting part of the report was the vision of Final Fantasy XV co-director, read it below:

“It’s a pleasure to introduce myself to our shareholders. My name is Hajime Tabata and I’m Co-Director of “FINAL FANTASY XV.”

My aim for the projects centering on “FINAL FANTASY XV” is to achieve the highest-acclaimed, highest-profitable installment in the “FINAL FANTASY” series. With this goal in mind, I would appreciate your continuous support.

Going forward, as a creator I would like to develop new IPs for seniors. I will create games that would thoroughly satisfy myself as I get older. Also, as a leader, I want to establish a strong production studio with an open, flexible atmosphere that constantly delivers excitement to shareholders, employees, the game industry and users—a studio with the capacity to consolidate the Group’s capabilities and play the best match at the forefront of the industry.

On this journey, the support of shareholders would be very much appreciated.”

Final Fantasy XV will release sometime in March 2014 for Xbox One and PS4.
Source: http://www.latestnewsexplorer.com/sq...-aim-on-ff-xv/

So Square Enix is trying to make this game the highest acclaimed and profitable Final Fantasy game ever to come out and as some of you know i posted awhile back the conditions so to speak that the former CEO Yoichi Iwada said, that they would only remake FFVII if only a current/future Final Fantasy game surpassed FFVII, but since Yoichi Iwada is no longer CEO and now Yosuke Matsuda is in charge, i have no idea if it matters anymore >.>, oh well here is hoping that if FFXV is more successful then any other Final Fantasy games that whoever is in charge will then remake FFVII