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  1. #1
    Emerald Lance

    Emerald Lance is offline
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    Sad Sonic Adventure Chao editing

    EDIT: I made this guide because I didn't know how to code a tool at the time. Now I do, and I made a tool here. Feel free to continue following this guide if you want, but know that the tool is also available to do it for you.

    Well, first tutorial I've ever done (for anything, EVAR) here goes.

    1) First, extract your Sonic Adventure Chao save from your 360. However you want to do this doesn't make a difference, either hook your HDD up directly to your computer or use a UBS flash drive.

    2) Open the save data in a hex editor. Even though I hear many sub-par things about it, I prefer Modio for all my modding needs, and it works perfectly for editing this game since everything you'll need is included right in the program. (This guide assumes you are either using an all-in-one package like Modio, or are using separate programs to accommodate.)

    3) No checksum or encryption/compression to deal with here. Just simple values to edit. Of course, the Chao system is pretty deep, so often times those more unique values can be a little harder to find if you don't already know where they are, so here's a picture to show you what you're looking for. Just scroll down until you see something resembling this data pattern. Be careful; my example is a pretty complex one, so yours more than likely won't look exactly like it and may even have plenty of 0s when compared to it, though it will be structurally identical.
    [SPOILEROPTION="Open for graph data."]

    This pattern shouldn't be too difficult to find. The file is kinda small, so it only holds the header info and then immediately jumps to Chao data like this. Each of of these little chunks is a single Chao, listed in order by which came into existance first (ie, when the egg was found/bought). So listing the circled values as letters, here's whats what:

    A: Grade These go from 0 to 5, 5 being the highest. Grade is how high each stat boosts upon level up. The three values after are also grade levels, but I'm not certain what they are (I know they are luck, intelligence, and mood, but these are hidden values and thus difficult to test; I don't know which order they're in, so I left them blank).

    B: Level Same order as before (hidden stats too, if you can figure them out). The highest stat possible in-game is 99, but inputting 255 (FF) will work without any issues.

    C: Stat Value Again, same order. This is the important one out of the ones mentioned so far, as this is the one that actually dictates your Chao's abilities. Highest possible value in-game is 3266, but just like levels, maxing it out won't kill your game. Just be prepared for a Chao that is so skilled that he goes full circle and actually cannot finish certain races. *sad face* Also, if you edit this value and your Chao levels up then the stats will revert to what they should be. Avoid this by changing the level to or above 99 so that it can't level up anymore.

    D: Chao Type This is what your Chao wlll actually look like. Don't want to go through all the trouble to reincarnate 2 times and give it every animal? Edit here.
    00 - No Chao (does not exist, rendering ALL other mods for that Chao null.)
    01 - Egg (Chao exists, but is still an egg. Haven't tested whether this nulls other edits.)
    02 - Child/Normal
    03 - Invisible (unsure exactly what else changes)
    04 - Invisible (again, not entirely sure)
    05 - Neutral/Normal
    06 - Hero/Normal
    07 - Dark/Normal
    08 - Neutral/Swim
    09 - Hero/Swim
    0A - Dark/Swim
    0B - Neutral/Fly
    0C - Hero/Fly
    0D - Dark/Fly
    0E - Neutral/Run
    0F - Hero/Run
    10 - Dark/Run
    11 - Neutral/Power
    12 - Hero/Power
    13 - Dark/Power
    14 - Neutral/Chaos
    15 - Hero/Chaos
    16 - Dark/Chaos
    17 - Tails
    18 - Knuckles
    19 - Amy
    E: Garden Which Chao Garden is this particular Chao in?
    00 - None (I haven't test this. I assume it nulls all edits.)
    04 - Station Square
    05 - Egg Carrier
    06 - Mystic Ruins
    (I don't know what 01-03 does, I assume the same as 00.)
    F: Reincarnation Status Either it will or it won't. FF says it will reincarnate after it dies, anything else says no.

    G: Eye Type I haven't played with this. Toy around with it.

    H: Mouth Type I haven't played with this one too much either. I know 00 is no mouth, but I'm afraid that's the extent of my current knowledge on this one.

    I: Ball Type The little ball that floats above Chao's head.
    00 - Normal
    01 - Flame
    02 - None
    J: Hat Type Holy Chao hats, Batman. There are A LOT of possibilities for this one. Get ready for this one.
    [SPOILEROPTION="I'm serious, this is A LOT of info."]
    00 - None
    01 - Pumpkin
    02 - Skull
    03 - Apple
    04 - Bucket
    05 - Can
    06 - Box
    07 - Flower Pot
    08 - Paper Bag
    09 - Brass Pot
    0A - Tree Stump
    0B - Watermelon
    0C - Red Beanie
    0D - Blue Beanie
    0E - Gray Beanie
    0F - Pacifier (Glitchy)
    10 - Normal Egg
    11 - Yellow Egg
    12 - White Egg
    13 - Brown Egg
    14 - Cyan Egg
    15 - Pink Egg
    16 - Blue Egg
    17 - Dark Gray Egg
    18 - Dark Green Egg
    19 - Red Egg
    1A - Light Green Egg
    1B - Purple Egg
    1C - Orange Egg
    1D - Black Egg
    1E - Yellow Egg with Spots
    1F - White Egg with Spots
    20 - Brown Egg with Spots
    21 - Cyan Egg with Spots
    22 - Pink Egg with Spots
    23 - Blue Egg with Spots
    24 - Dark Gray Egg with Spots
    25 - Dark Green Egg with Spots
    26 - Red Egg with Spots
    27 - Light Green Egg with Spots
    28 - Purple Egg with Spots
    29 - Orange Egg with Spots
    2A - Black Egg with Spots
    2B - Shiny Normal Egg
    2C - Shiny Yellow Egg
    2D - Shiny White Egg
    2E - Shiny Brown Egg
    2F - Shiny Cyan Egg
    30 - Shiny Pink Egg
    31 - Shiny Blue Egg
    32 - Shiny Dark Gray Egg
    33 - Shiny Dark Green Egg
    34 - Shiny Red Egg
    35 - Shiny Light Green Egg
    36 - Shiny Purple Egg
    37 - Shiny Orange Egg
    38 - Shiny Black Egg
    39 - Shiny Yellow Egg with Spots
    3A - Shiny White Egg with Spots
    3B - Shiny Brown Egg with Spots
    3C - Shiny Cyan Egg with Spots
    3D - Shiny Pink Egg with Spots
    3E - Shiny Blue Egg with Spots
    3F - Shiny Dark Gray Egg with Spots
    40 - Shiny Dark Green Egg with Spots
    41 - Shiny Red Egg with Spots
    42 - Shiny Light Green Egg with Spots
    43 - Shiny Purple Egg with Spots
    44 - Shiny Orange Egg with Spots
    45 - Shiny Black Egg with Spots
    46 - Gold Egg
    47 - Silver Egg
    48 - Ruby Egg
    49 - Sapphire Egg
    4A - Emerald Egg
    4B - Amethyst Egg
    4C - Aquamarine Egg
    4D - Garnet Egg
    4E - Onyx Egg
    4F - Peridot Egg
    50 - Topaz Egg
    51 - Purple Swirl
    52 - Deep Shiny Sky Blue
    53 - Deep Shiny Light Sky Blue
    54 - Dark Chrome 
    (I hated typing all that... *sad face*)
    K: Feet Toggle Yeah, you can cut off their feet too.
    00 - Feet
    01 - No feet (Chao just floats around like a ghost.)
    L: Medal Chao can win medals in the races. Use this to edit a specific medal you want Chao to wear.
    00 - None
    01 - Aquamarine
    02 - Topaz
    03 - Peridot
    04 - Garnet
    05 - Onyx
    06 - Diamond
    07 - Beginner Race
    08 - Challenge Race
    09 - Hero Race
    0A - Dark Race
    0B - Pearl
    0C - Amethyst
    0D - Emerald
    0E - Ruby
    0F - Sapphire
    M: Chao Color Here's the fun one. Chao come in many different colors, but why bother keeping track of it all when you could just hack the one you want in?
    00 - Normal
    01 - Light Yellow
    02 - Light Gray
    03 - Brown
    04 - Cyan
    05 - Pink
    06 - Blue
    07 - Dark Gray
    08 - Dark Green
    09 - Red
    0A - Light Green
    0B - Purple
    0C - Orange
    0D - Black
    (The game accepts high values and won't crash, but these are the only ones I tested
    extensively. Try out more and see where it gets you.)
    N: Highlights Toggle There is also a way to get multicolored Chao. This enable that option. Note that regular Chao have this automatically turned on while colored Chao have it turned off. Works strange with Shiny/Jewel Chao.
    00 - On
    01 - Off
    O: Shiny Toggle Just like Pokémon, Chao can be Shiny on top of whatever color they happen to be. Works normally on Colored Chao, strange effects on regular/Jewel Chao.
    00 - Off
    01 - On
    P: Egg Color Only important if Chao is still in Egg form. Doesn't affect actual Chao color. Refer to Chao colors for values.

    Q: Chao Model Actually swaps out the in-game model used for Chao. Hacking is the only way to change this. Changing this to anything except "Chao" nulls all appearance mods.
    00 - Chao
    01 - Egg Chao (An unhatched egg with eye holes and feet)
    02 - Omochao
    Q: Relation to Characters This is Chao's relationship status to the player's characters in order: Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Big, E-102γ. 00 is normal, FF is highest.[/SPOILEROPTION]

    4) After the desired changes are made, resign/rehash save file and inject it back into your HDD/USB flash drive.

    5) Play your game! It may take a little longer to load the first time. If it does, don't worry about that. Of course, it shouldn't take more than 30 seconds (give or take), so if the game actually freezes then go ahead and post your problem (and save file) here and I'll see what I can do to help. ^-^ Side note, remember that editing your Chao's stats extremely high WILL cause it to be unable to finish certain races. While editing Chao's stats to FFFF won't crash your game, I'd advise against it, at least until you've already won all the races with that Chao.

    My tutorial only goes over about half of what is editable. I was looking into the rest for a while, but to be honest I lost interest and stopped researching. If you want to pick up where I left off, please post any findings on this thread. I'll see about adding any findings (and, of course, giving credit) so if you want to pick it up, please, be my guest. ^-^
    Last edited by Emerald Lance; 03-17-2011 at 04:35 PM. Reason: I'm a semi-grammer nazi; I don't care how others type, but if I notice an error on my part then I just can't help but fix it.
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    Quote Originally Posted by SaiyanPrince302, commenting on how to become a Super Saiyan,
    "I know where these guys are going, but in all seriousness, just trying to imagine loved ones being killed almost never works. Be a man and travel into space and shoot at asteroids until you get yourself in an actual life threatening situation."

  2. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to Emerald Lance For This Useful Post:

  3. #2
    Renegade is offline
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    Nice work Emerald, Lots of detail there, Everyone needs to edit those kayute Chaos at some point :D

  4. #3
    Emerald Lance

    Emerald Lance is offline
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    Thanks. It really is the first actual tutorial I've ever written. The data is easy enough to edit if you know what's what, but difficult to research and there aren't any other guides to do this (at least not that I know of) so I figured I'd get over myself and just sit down and write a tut. I'm glad to see it's making the right impressions.

    The only values that I KNOW for certain that aren't covered here are the ones that dictate how close Chao is to evolving into one form or another (speed, fly, etc.) which are needed for the "second evolution" to be edited. There are also some arbitrary values for which animal part the Chao has and where, but I didn't see the point when it was just easier to find animals than to hack them in, so they weren't researched. It would have been nice to have figured out all of the values, but at least we have the important ones that everybody wants to edit. Of course, if (when) SEGA releases Sonic Adventure 2, expect me to jump right back into Chao hacking! ^-^
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    Quote Originally Posted by SaiyanPrince302, commenting on how to become a Super Saiyan,
    "I know where these guys are going, but in all seriousness, just trying to imagine loved ones being killed almost never works. Be a man and travel into space and shoot at asteroids until you get yourself in an actual life threatening situation."

  5. #4
    The Immortal God

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    Nice tutorial emerald great job
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  6. #5
    Emerald Lance

    Emerald Lance is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by CloudStrife7x View Post
    Nice tutorial emerald great job
    Thanks. Just wanted to give back to the community. ^-^;
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    Quote Originally Posted by SaiyanPrince302, commenting on how to become a Super Saiyan,
    "I know where these guys are going, but in all seriousness, just trying to imagine loved ones being killed almost never works. Be a man and travel into space and shoot at asteroids until you get yourself in an actual life threatening situation."

  7. #6
    Haven Donator

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    Re: Sonic Adventure Chao editing

    is there anyway that someone could make a editor for this or is there to many values to edit :(

  8. #7
    ★ The Exiled One ★

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    Re: Sonic Adventure Chao editing

    Post a few saves (at least 2) and I'll look into it :P I can't get on xbl until the 28th and need to know if this game is an arcade game or a retail game, thanks.
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  9. #8
    Emerald Lance

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    Re: Sonic Adventure Chao editing

    Renegade and I were talking about making one some time ago. I don't know if he still wants to make one (I lack the know-how to create a program) but I'm assuming he does (he and I worked quite a bit on the research). There are quite a lot of values to edit, but they're all uniform. The hardest part is finding which values do what to which addresses (very repetitive trial and error).

    Also, that screenshot was of the extracted BIN file and not the original save file (it'll make sense to those who are used to extracting individual files from save data). I just thought I should throw that one out there.
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    Quote Originally Posted by SaiyanPrince302, commenting on how to become a Super Saiyan,
    "I know where these guys are going, but in all seriousness, just trying to imagine loved ones being killed almost never works. Be a man and travel into space and shoot at asteroids until you get yourself in an actual life threatening situation."


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