View Full Version : Maximus 360 Lizard Manuals and Scorpion Details

02-11-2011, 08:44 PM

Just an update and an announcement on the status of the guide for the Maximus Lizard. As you all know we have been very hard at work before the Lizard launch with preparing & testing the hardware and testing the Lizard Toolbox to make sure everything was working perfectly. Now we are working extremely hard on a full manual / tutorial database for the Lizard.

At this stage we have completed the first section of the manual which shows you how to install the drivers and Lizard Toolbox software on the PC and show you how to make sure the PC & Lizard Toolbox is setup correctly to communicate with the Lizard, we have uploaded v1.1 of the manual to our downloads section. The current manual does also contain information on the flashing process using the Lizard & Lizard Toolbox but has been written briefly and intended for people currently familiar with the flashing process, we intend to re-write this and also have some other plans as we start to talk about below.
We have now just started work on doing individual guides for each drive type and will supply them in single PDF format for each drive type, for example once you have followed our main manual and have the Lizard successfully connecting to your PC through the Lizard toolbox you will be able to download a guide for which ever drive type you are about to flash. Let’s say for the 93 drive, this PDF document will guide you through the steps to take on the Lizard device itself along with images of the process you need to take with the Scorpion on the drive and of course images and explanations of what needs to be done in the Lizard Toolbox itself. We plan to prioritize the Lite-On 74, 83, 83 v2 & 93 guides at first; once they have been completed and released we will move onto guides for the older drive types such as the BenQ, Samsung & Hitachi.

While the current manual does cover most of basics needed and most people that know the flashing procedure will be able to use the information covered in the main manual, we are committed to producing individual manuals for each drive type to make it even more clear for new users and to just simplify it even for the professionals.
We here at Maximus wish to thank you all for your support and to let you know we are committed to building an extensive manual / tutorial database for the Maximus Lizard, we just ask that you be patient with us while we work very hard to get all this information documented and published for you all to use.

Finally the video of the scorpion in action will be listed up later today, this will show the professionals exactly what needs to be done for a no cut no solder solution on the 83 v2 & 93 drives. As mentioned above we are working around the clock to have complete PDF manuals for these and the other Lite-On drive types listed on our site ASAP.

Now as promised here is it the Video Tutorial for using Scorpion, and get the keys of the drives without cuts, nor solder nor glue.

To use the Scorpion you will require to apply the GECKO 1.01 fw update on your Lizard, please go to our downloads page go get the FW updater application and read the first sections on the Manual to understand how to update

Please note every Lizard must connect to download its own update.


Official Site: http://www.360lizard.com