View Full Version : So who needs to lose weight?

Emerald Lance
03-25-2012, 08:27 PM
I'm 5'11" (180cm) and 250 lbs right now (113.5kg, almost 18st). My doctor is having me take chromium supplements as an appetite suppressant, and they seem to be working pretty well so far (I don't know if they'll help me lose weight, but they definitely make me less hungry). Mind you, it isn't all fat; I've got a pretty solid muscular structure. It's just that the bit of fat that I do have is very unsightly. so I'm trying to lose it (I'll be getting married before too long and I'd like to look good for it).

Anybody else trying to lose weight? What are you doing to get it down?

03-25-2012, 08:34 PM
im also trying to lose weight to help with my back problems, i have 4 ruptured disks XD, and the doctor said it would help relieve the pressure, so im currently working out at the local gym here with my older brother, he wants to lose weight as well to look good. The other reason i want to lose weight is to be healthy, dont want to have all kinds of problems in the future, and too look good as well XD

Noctis Caelum
03-25-2012, 08:51 PM
i was never over weight but when i was a pro boxer the easiest way to burn fat/ calories is to either
A. walk/run on treadmill
B. ride a bicycle
eating wise
A.baked or grilled anything (mostly grilled)
B.drink nothing but water, now if u cant stand water drink
1. vitamin water
2. 100% juicy juice
2. 2% milk ex.over the moon milk
C. Have a cheat day.(meaning eat whatever u want) it will actually help u when dieting like this
D. Just do normal stuff ex. walk up stars,walk/run down the street or anything..(remember no matter wat u do u always burn calories)
E. Have a normal workout plan (not the same thing everyday, that wont help you) ex...Sunday- sit-ups and treadmill....Monday-Wed- bike and run up stairs.....thursday- cheat day...Friday-sat- push-ups and treadmill...Something like that will increase ur chance of losing tons of weight trust me...

03-25-2012, 09:18 PM
I'm a stick 5'11", 150 lbs, But my bro is 5'9", 270 lbs. He is on a ketogenic diet and he runs a few miles everyday.

03-25-2012, 09:21 PM
Im doing every day sit ups and I go run in the forest
Im eating nothing but carrots, apples and salad and I drink only water.

I hope Ill see results :D

03-25-2012, 09:26 PM
i was never over weight but when i was a pro boxer the easiest way to burn fat/ calories is to either
A. walk/run on treadmill
B. ride a bicycle
eating wise
A.baked or grilled anything (mostly grilled)
B.drink nothing but water, now if u cant stand water drink
1. vitamin water
2. 100% juicy juice
2. 2% milk ex.over the moon milk
C. Have a cheat day.(meaning eat whatever u want) it will actually help u when dieting like this
D. Just do normal stuff ex. walk up stars,walk/run down the street or anything..(remember no matter wat u do u always burn calories)
E. Have a normal workout plan (not the same thing everyday, that wont help you) ex...Sunday- sit-ups and treadmill....Monday-Wed- bike and run up stairs.....thursday- cheat day...Friday-sat- push-ups and treadmill...Something like that will increase ur chance of losing tons of weight trust me...This is definitely the way to go about it. Walking and Cycling is the best thing for you to do. As well as the other options mentioned by Hulkster.

03-25-2012, 09:29 PM
I also need to lose weight. I am 5 ft 7 and weigh 16st. In the past i tried going gym but I always give up after a while.

I need something to motivate me more, any idea's?

Also my eating habits are bad, I don't eat much in the day but I do at night, especially harribo sweets

Noctis Caelum
03-25-2012, 09:39 PM
I also need to lose weight. I am 5 ft 7 and weigh 16st. In the past i tried going gym but I always give up after a while.

I need something to motivate me more, any idea's?

Also my eating habits are bad, I don't eat much in the day but I do at night.
motivation is definitely a key part in all this...You dont have that then where's the drive to lose weight...If this helps....My motivation, everytime i would consider not goin to the gym or even just doin a pushup i would think about my health, my looks and the fact that when i get in shape i can walk outside with no shirt and hear females talk and look at me....Remember the more u weigh the higher ur blood pressure will be and u will also have other issues.....Really it only takes 20 mins a day if u want to lose weight...Also if u dont have time to lose weight do what i used to do before i had time was just eat rite....Try eating rite for a week and only drink water u will easily lose 5-10 pounds...

Important whoever wants to lose weight please stay away from SODA and JUICE

03-25-2012, 09:49 PM
Nice advice hulk.

That reminds me, I also drink lot of cola, hardly drink anything else. which is probably the cause of my weight problem.

But I can't see myself giving that up, it's the best drink ever.

Noctis Caelum
03-25-2012, 09:50 PM
Nice advice hulk.

That reminds me, I also drink lot of cola, hardly drink anything else. which is probably the cause of my weight problem.

But I can't see myself giving that up.
at least try it will help alot

03-26-2012, 01:10 AM
I'm 6 ft and weigh 270 pounds. I actually started working out last week cause I weigh too much for my age. @ red hulk. Thanks that's a really good routine I'm definitely gonna have to do that.

03-26-2012, 02:02 AM
Join the Military Boot Camp = Weight Loss

03-26-2012, 04:06 AM
Yeah, I am too. Need to lose a lot BADLY. Mostly working out every day but Sundays, and I cut down my usual food intake by half. I don't quite have the right equipment, but just make due with what you have.

Over the weekend I biked near 30 miles and walked/jogged 8.

Like you, I'm doing this for the girl I love. lol.

If you're ever in doubt, think of your partner.

Ninja Twin
03-26-2012, 04:22 AM
If any of you have access to torrents or newsgroups.. Download the P90x2 program. I know many who used it and lost a lot of weight with the program.

Emerald Lance
03-27-2012, 09:57 PM
If any of you have access to torrents or newsgroups.. Download the P90x2 program. I know many who used it and lost a lot of weight with the program.
What does it entail?

03-27-2012, 10:04 PM
What does it entail?

ive seen commercials on tv for it and it focuses on muscle confusion, so that your muscles and body dont get use to one workout, and you keep losing weight and building muscle

03-27-2012, 10:19 PM
i really need to lose weight but only thing i am a picking eater

03-27-2012, 10:41 PM
I'm disabled so it can be difficult managing weight when you can climb stairs or get up on the treadmill, I usually cut soda or any drink with sugar out completely and take an appetite suppressant not just to eat less but it also helps with fast food cravings on days when I got class and can't eat right. I also got these lil bike pedals thing for 20 bucks so I can do a bit of cardio while gaming lol, every lil bit helps I spose.

03-27-2012, 11:05 PM
I'm pretty perfect weight atm but I want to start weights again, I'm losing muscle :(

03-28-2012, 01:06 AM
Nice advice hulk.

That reminds me, I also drink lot of cola, hardly drink anything else. which is probably the cause of my weight problem.

But I can't see myself giving that up, it's the best drink ever. same here! i drink way to much soda!

03-28-2012, 01:49 AM
Important whoever wants to lose weight please stay away from SODA and JUICE

i am fine with every thing except soda !!!!!!!!!! i love it man i can't .. i don't drink or smoke ( or do drugs lol ) but i love soda and Coca-Cola !!!!!!!!!!

03-28-2012, 01:54 AM
i was never over weight but when i was a pro boxer the easiest way to burn fat/ calories is to either
A. walk/run on treadmill
B. ride a bicycle
eating wise
A.baked or grilled anything (mostly grilled)
B.drink nothing but water, now if u cant stand water drink
1. vitamin water
2. 100% juicy juice
2. 2% milk ex.over the moon milk
C. Have a cheat day.(meaning eat whatever u want) it will actually help u when dieting like this
D. Just do normal stuff ex. walk up stars,walk/run down the street or anything..(remember no matter wat u do u always burn calories)
E. Have a normal workout plan (not the same thing everyday, that wont help you) ex...Sunday- sit-ups and treadmill....Monday-Wed- bike and run up stairs.....thursday- cheat day...Friday-sat- push-ups and treadmill...Something like that will increase ur chance of losing tons of weight trust me...

it should also be noted that to lose weight, or burn fat you should stay within 60% of you max heart rate

use this formula to calculate your fat burn target heart rate

Rate = (220 - AGE) x .6

Noctis Caelum
03-28-2012, 02:44 AM
thank you buddah for adding that