View Full Version : Dragon Ball Z Kinect? HA!

06-12-2012, 02:54 AM

OK, now who's seriously going to buy this? First off it's the same graphics,story mode, and game play of Ultimate Tenkaichi. All they did it make a already bad game (only for it's fighting system) and turned it into complete shit. I'm really upset about this because we only get 1 Dragon Ball Z game a year. So I'm pretty upset and will also NEVER even think about buying this game, let alone anticipate the release of it like I did for raging blast 1,2 and UT. So, what are your opinions on the game?

Also, they also Mis-pronounced the word "Saiyan" one of the most key words for any Dragon ball fan in the end.

06-12-2012, 03:01 AM
im not upset really, i saw this coming from a mile away just like fable the journey lol, i think microsoft is trying hard to bring better games to kinect, but in retrospect they are just ruining the games that way lol, i mean think about it almost all the games that have come out, that are completely just for kinect have been crap or are family games(which are crap lol) of course that's just my opinion lol, anyways i will not be getting this game, and i am disappointed if anything lol, fact is most DBZ games for 360 suck compared to the DBZ games for ps2, again my personal opinion XD, well that ends my rant lol

06-12-2012, 04:05 AM
I totally agreed with cloud all the best dragon ball z games where made for the ps2 now at days they just giving DBZ a bad name with this horrible DBZ games n Now Xbox it's gonna take horrible to the next level to make DBZ look even worse f^*king Microsoft thank you for making something so awesome look so horrible.

06-12-2012, 05:31 AM
Meh, if they want DBZ games to be kinect, let them. I'm not really surprise if they did that anyways.

06-12-2012, 08:16 AM
Ultimate Tenkaichi wasn't all that bad. Just repetitive. They only had Half of a year to develop the game before they had to end their license. That's impressive to me. But yeah, this looks like snippets of DBZUT with a few terrible "features". I'll download it. Not buy it.

06-12-2012, 01:10 PM
WHAT! I get to throw a Kamehameha! SOLD!!!!

I will just wait about a months time then that games value should drop to 20$ used. Then is when i will be able to Kamehameha krillins bald face off!

06-12-2012, 01:22 PM
looks like crap in my opinion. And yes THeGutta all the good DBZ Games where made for PS2

Emerald Lance
06-12-2012, 05:21 PM
I completely agree with Goku. As a diehard DBZ fan, I'm pretty upset that they're going to make a Kinect game. It's got nothing to do with my feelings toward the Kinect, it's just that I realize that we DBZ fans only have the one or two developers even willing to make games for us, and Kinect games generally aren't all that great to begin with (unless they're developed by Suda51 and involve baseball in a haunted carnival filled with zombies), so the mediocrity of the typical DBZ game combined with the mediocrity of the typical Kinect game is really leaving a sour taste in my mouth.

DBZ fans don't want a single game released every year. How about you spend a good three years on one? Remember when the Budokai name used to mean that it was a solid fighting game? And when Tenkaichi was the result of pure innovation? Let's have a new experience, not just an expansion pack that's being pushed at us at retail price. And it works both ways, because the three year downtime would really let us get the most out of the DBZ games we have.

Come on Atari/Spike/Bandai/however is doing DBZ nowadays. Stop wasting our time with nonsense like a DBZ Kinect game and start really focusing on making a game that WON'T make us try to defend your half-hearted throwaway simply because it's all we have to cling to; give us something that we can be proud to talk to say we enjoy, not because we're DBZ fans, but because it's actually a solid game for once. DBZ Kinect? Nonsense.

06-12-2012, 11:20 PM
Well... even though it may suck.. it'll bring in more people into possibly becoming fans.
I was really pissed off at the shitty fight scene quality of the live action movie and the stupid ass story line.
The trailer for the kinect game as you posted is someone's bad idea of after effects garbage,
the people working on these games, videos, whatever for DBZ SHOULD NOT WORK ON IT if they did not see EVERY DragonBall episode,
EVERY DragonBall Z episode, and EVERY DragonBall GT episode. Regardless if they can remember every detail, they should have at least watched all of them. Including the VFX artist who made that kinect game commercial.. because it majorly sucks. It's nothing like the series visual effects.
DragonBall is an anime soap opera with bad ass action that spans fucking decades... it pisses me off so much when games or even YouTube videos are made in tribute to DBZ that obviously didn't take enough pride in their work to make sure their projects reflect the same excellence the franchise did in longevity, character personalities, and pure action awesomeness.
All the YouTube videos I've seen have a lousy interpretation of the anime's visual effects... if these content creators are so blind and stupid that they can't produce anything remotely close to the design quality of the series then they just insult the very definition of being a true fan.

... taking a moment to not be so upset...

Something's got to give here...
anyway.. my only complaint about the franchise...
is Gohan's annoying voice as a child (in English dubbed version) and some of the super lame "let's repeat exactly what is going on here that we can plainly see" dialog they gave characters like Krillin.

and if you call yourself a DBZ franchise fan but you haven't seen the original Dragon Ball series.. you need to get off this browser tab RIGHT NOW! and go watch them. :)

06-16-2012, 07:01 PM
if have dbz kinect...if they need flying...u can fly?haha

Antari MK-II
06-28-2012, 06:56 PM
actualy this game may be worth a shot do to the very short characters list I have long since held a theory that ultimate Tenkaichi was some sort of prototype for a more complete game basically according to my theory ultimate Tenkaichi was nothing more than a beta version of a full game that they tried to pass off as a full game for 2 reasons 1. to satisfy fans while they complete the real thing (epic fail) 2 to line their pockets with money (epic success) if you think about it that makes since and its not like this would be the first time a franchise pulled something like that so instead of giving up on it or buying it first thing search the net to see what people think before buying it and if the option is available to you rent it first instead of relying on the opinion of others