View Full Version : Emulator Server??

07-02-2012, 12:45 PM
Anyone Know any good Emulator Servers for Rift,Diablo 3,and WOW?

07-02-2012, 12:49 PM
don't know about rift..
but diablo3 is still in early dev... you can connect and such but there is not much you can do atm...
wow... well there are a lot of p-server out there...

07-02-2012, 01:12 PM
Yea i googled WOW and i came up with a few im just worried about Virus or fakes Do you have any Suggestions on Good ones. And whats the Name of the Diablo 3 one your talking about?

07-02-2012, 01:25 PM
well i'm not much of a fan of wow... so can't help you there..
and you will have to search for the server for diablo on your own... don't want to degrade this community to a warez community
we are just a modding community here ^_^

Original Boss
07-02-2012, 01:34 PM
well i'm not much of a fan of wow... so can't help you there..
and you will have to search for the server for diablo on your own... don't want to degrade this community to a warez community
we are just a modding community here ^_^

Private messaging is a option :029:

07-02-2012, 01:36 PM
Just buy the games they're not that expensive

07-02-2012, 01:56 PM
well yea... don't know about rift...
the price for wow is reasonable compared to some other mmo games...
but.. diablo 3...
i personally will never by that game as i don't want to support such mechanism for single player games which you should be able to play offline

07-02-2012, 08:10 PM
well i'm not much of a fan of wow... so can't help you there..
and you will have to search for the server for diablo on your own... don't want to degrade this community to a warez community
we are just a modding community here ^_^

Yea i bought Diablo 3 and im just tired of all the Nerfing they are doing to it ive had that since it came out and Wow some months i just cant afford the monthly sub i have 3 kids and married so its touch and go and rift i didn't like rift that much to pay for the sub lol so i figured what better place to ask about Emu Servers then a Modding Community. and yes i know the is primarily a xbox 360 modding website you guys do have a PC section so i just figured id ask. didnt think it was in no way " DEGRADING" to ask about PC Emu Servers