View Full Version : dd help ?_?

01-03-2013, 06:12 AM
So I'm a fish out of water. Never done this stuff. I have horizon and eternia crystal working
fine, but I try to put the file back on the 360 and I play the game it says the file is corrupted. I've lost my items twice. Got them back once just messing around with the files then lost them again trying to still mod items. I dont mind if there may not be a way to get it all, but I would like to know how to avoid the file corruption every time.

My order.

1-I take the file and the back up onto my usb.

2-I plug it into my laptop and make a desktop file of the non.bak.

3-I open EC and then open the desktop file.

4-After fidgeting with the items I press the save then exit EC.

5-I then inject the modded desktop file to the non.bak. At times it will just add the file as a third file.

6-I plug the usb back into the 360 and attempt to play the game. After I select my save device it says that it's corrupted.

Obviously there's something wrong, but I have no clue.

Can anyone help?

01-03-2013, 09:44 PM
1. Use the full name of the game instead of vague abbreviations such as "DD" in your post titles. People are more likely to ignore topics if they have no idea what you're referring to.

2. Read through the full release thread here - http://www.360haven.com/forums/showthread=9883-eternia-crystal-dungeon-defenders-se-v1-9-2-a.html

3. Given the release info, there should be no need to inject the modified file. Copy save from 360 to USB, copy save from USB to PC, open save in EC, edit, click save, transfer file back to USB and load in game. No replace, no inject.