View Full Version : Mod Tool, GS, Upload. Need Help.

04-13-2013, 07:43 AM
I'm trying to edit a game save of The Cursed Crusades. I downloaded the file that Jaggi posted. Unless I missed something, I have the file uploaded but it doesn't open. He says on the page to "drag your save to the app". That presents my second problem, this one is a guaranteed one though.

1. How do I take a Gamesave off of my USB? I only know how to put one on.
2. Is this particular mod tool supposed to not open and only load when you drag a game save to it?

I'm new to all this editing stuff but I can't find the save file I wanted so I decided to try to do it myself. Not working out so far, lol.

04-13-2013, 09:59 AM
First off download Horizon, from personal experience this is the best program to search and extract files from a USB, just type XboxMB into google.
Once that's done open it and explore your USB once connected, make sure the save is on the USB.
Once found drag to your desktop or another easy to access location.
Open jappi's editor and drag the file from your desktop, this should show up.
Edit stats and save/resign with tool.
Drag from desktop your modded save to horizon then click save to device and hey presto the save is transferred!

04-13-2013, 11:09 AM
So I got it out, completely forgot to try dragging from Horizon. Stupid me, lol. Anyways, after I did that I tried to drag it to the App but it still doesn't want to open. Nothing happens except for a small load bar that does nothing. Gonna try redownloading the file. By the looks of the comments, the file works and hasn't been removed so I don't think it's a problem with that. Is it possible there's something else wrong that I'm not getting?

Edit: Yeah, I must not be doing something right.

1. Drag the save from horizon to desktop.
2. Opened Jappi's File. (This gives me access to the App, but the App does not open. Again, I assume this is how it's supposed to be).
3. I drag the save from my Desktop, to the App.
4. Short load-bar. No load. Nothing else happens.

I redownloaded the editor. I suppose it could be something wrong with my Game-save. I'm using an Autosave because it was the earliest I could get. For this game, I thought that was all that was needed.

04-16-2013, 05:04 PM
Here's a guide to uploading your save files: