View Full Version : [FIX] Missing scrollbars on 360Haven using Firefox?

04-21-2013, 12:48 PM
Some of our users, myself included have awoke one day to find the site missing the all important scrollbar, the ability to scroll with the mouse wheel and completely non existent silverlight on Firefox. :011:

I have determined the culprit to be the addon: NoScript.
More specifically it is the allowing of 'cloudflare.com' that appears to be the cause of this. If you examine some of the hijacked scripts on the site with the debugger you can see cloudflares monkeying has severely buggered a lot of things, I don't enjoy their insertion of their own widgets myself, that dictionary one haunting the shoutbox is irritating. :117:

To fix this simply forbid 'cloudflare.com' and the site should automatically refresh, if not refresh it yourself and expect to be greeted by your old pal, the scrollbar.

05-02-2013, 09:08 PM
Thanks for the info man!!!
it was driving me crazy trying to figure it out what was causing the bars to disappear!

Original Boss
05-02-2013, 09:34 PM
Ewww firefox get chrome you noob! lol seph will fix things he always does:048:

11-08-2013, 01:03 AM
Yes, you find it. :086:
This was really irritating, annoying. (and i'm a new member)
Thank's a lot.

11-08-2013, 01:15 AM
Ewww firefox get chrome you noob! lol seph will fix things he always does:048:

He won't (can't).

I've reported this several months ago, there's no real fix for it. It's just CloudFlare being retarded.

NoScript is one of the best addons to have in Firefox, but CloudFlare just bugs up with it. It's not even NoScript that's the actual culprit but just CloudFlare and its pisspoor coding, because this is the only thing it's happening with.

If you really want to see this fixed for FireFox users (and 80% of the FireFox users have NoScript installed as addon), then CloudFlare will have to go.
Otherwise the only way around is this temporary fix mentioned and simply blocking CloudFlare via NoScript itself.

11-25-2013, 02:33 PM
I don't know about the rest of you but it seems to work fine now, I'm on Firefox 25.0.1, noscript has enabled cloudflare and everything seems to be ok.
Seems we can all go put this to rest now, thank fuck. :011:

11-25-2013, 04:56 PM
I don't know about the rest of you but it seems to work fine now, I'm on Firefox 25.0.1, noscript has enabled cloudflare and everything seems to be ok.
Seems we can all go put this to rest now, thank fuck. :011:

The reason why the scrollbar is working is because i disabled this.