View Full Version : Dead Island Riptide - ISO Modding Info

04-26-2013, 06:25 AM
Hey guys, since a lot of people have been asking/wondering how to mod certain things in the ISO for Dead Island Riptide. I decided to make a tutorial for the things that I know, or are important to me.

Do not post this on any other website without my permission!!!

PAK: Data0.pak and DataPre.pak
FOLDER: physics>walkfly
FILE: playerph.scr

StairHeight(35) - The angle you can climb a hill

PAK: Data0.pak
FOLDER: Skills
FILE: default_levels.xml

<prop n="PenaltyOnDeath" v="1"/> - Set to 0 to not lose any money when you die

<prop n="DmgResAfterDeathDur" v= "5.0"/> - The length you remain invincible after you respawn

<prop n="BulletPenetrationChance" v="0."/> - Set to 1.0 to have a 100% chance that bullets will penetrate the enemies

<prop n="MoveWhenCarryMaxSpeedFactor" v="0.7"/> - The Max speed you can move while carrying an object
<prop n="MoveWhenCarryMinSpeedFactor" v="0.2"/> - The Min speed you can move while carrying an object

<prop n="ThrowMaxDist" v="900.0"/> - The Max distance you can throw

<prop n="FistsWpnDurabilityLoss" v="1.0"/> - Set to 0.0 to have infinite Durability for Fist Weapons
<prop n="BSHealOnHitChance" v="0.0"/> - Set to 1.0 to have a 100% chance to heal yourself when you hit an enemy

<prop n="HealthRegenerationStartTime" v="3.0"/> - Time it takes before your Health starts regenerating
<prop n="HealthRegenerationMaxLevel" v="25.0"/> - Unknown (might be how much Health is restored)
<prop n="HealthRegenerationSpeedInStand" v="10.0"/> - Health Regen Speed while standing still
<prop n="HealthRegenerationSpeedInWalk" v="10.0"/> - Health Regen Speed while walking
<prop n="HealthRegenerationSpeedInCrounch" v="10.0"/> - Health Regen Speed while crouching
<prop n="HealthRegenerationSpeedInCrounchWalk" v="10.0"/> - Health Regen Speed while crouch walking
<prop n="HealthRegenerationSpeedInSprint" v="10.0"/> - Health Regen Speed while sprinting
<prop n="HealthRegenerationSpeedInKnockDown" v="10.0"/> - Health Regen Speed while knocked down

<prop n="FistsAnalogFight" v="1"/> - Can use Analog Fighting with Fist Weapons
<prop n="FistsDamageMul" v="0"/> - Damage Multiplier with Fist Weapons
<prop n="FistsForceMul" v="0"/> - Force Multiplier with Fist Weapons
<prop n="FistsAttackSpeedMul" v="0"/> - Attack Speed Multiplier with Fist Weapons
<prop n="FistsCriticalChance" v="0"/> - Critical Chance Multiplier with Fist Weapons
<prop n="FistsCriticalDmgMul" v="0"/> - Critical Damage Multiplier with Fist Weapons
<prop n="FistsCritSevereLimbProb" v="0.2"/> - Severe Limbs Probability when getting a Critical Hit with Fist Weapons
<prop n="FistsKillExperienceBonus" v="0"/> - Experience Bonus Multiplier when using Fist Weapons

<prop n="FppBloodSplats" v="0"/> - Gore level? The amount of blood stains?

<prop n="LowHealthDamageMul" v="0"/> - Damage Multiplier when Health is low
<prop n="LowHealthForceMul" v="0"/> - Force Multiplier when Health is low

<prop n="MeeleDamageMul" v="0"/> - Damage Multiplier when using Melee Weapons
<prop n="MeeleForceMul" v="0"/> - Force Multiplier when using Melee Weapons
<prop n="MeeleAttackSpeedMul" v="0"/> - Attack Speed Multiplier when using Melee Weapons

<prop n="BreakDoorEffectivens" v="0"/> - Your effectiveness at breaking down doors

<prop n="BluntDamageMul" v="0"/> - Damage Multiplier when using Blunt Weapons
<prop n="BluntForceMul" v="0"/> - Force Multiplier when using Blunt Weapons
<prop n="BluntWpnDurabilityLoss" v="1.0"/> - Rate at which Blunt Weapons lose Durability (0.0=infinite durability)
<prop n="BluntCriticalChance" v="0"/> - Critical Chance Multiplier when using Blunt Weapons
<prop n="BluntCriticalDmgMul" v="0"/> - Critical Damage Multiplier when using Blunt Weapons
<prop n="BluntCritSevereLimbProb" v="0.2"/> - Severe Limbs Probability when getting a Critical Hit with Blunt Weapons
<prop n="BluntAttackSpeedMul" v="0"/> - Attack Speed Multiplier when using Blunt Weapons
<prop n="BluntKillExperienceBonus" v="0"/> - Experience Bonus Multiplier when using Blunt Weapons

<prop n="CutDamageMul" v="0"/> - Damage Multiplier when using Bladed Weapons
<prop n="CutForceMul" v="0"/> - Force Multiplier when using Bladed Weapons
<prop n="CutWpnDurabilityLoss" v="1.0"/> - Rate at which Bladed Weapons lose Durability (0.0=infinite durability)
<prop n="CutCriticalChance" v="0"/> - Critical Chance Multiplier when using Bladed Weapons
<prop n="CutCriticalDmgMul" v="0"/> - Critical Damage Multiplier when using Bladed Weapons
<prop n="CutCritSevereLimbProb" v="0.2"/> - Severe Limbs Probability when getting a Critical Hit with Bladed Weapons
<prop n="CutAttackSpeedMul" v="0"/> - Attack Speed Multiplier when using Bladed Weapons
<prop n="CutKillExperienceBonus" v="0"/> - Experience Bonus Multiplier when using Bladed Weapons

<prop n="RangedDamageMul" v="0"/> - Damage Multiplier when using Ranged Weapons
<prop n="RangedForceMul" v="0"/> - Force Multiplier when using Ranged Weapons
<prop n="RangedAccuracy" v="0"/> - Ranged Weapons Accuracy Multiplier
<prop n="RangedWpnDurabilityLoss" v="0.1"/> - No need to change
<prop n="RangedCriticalChance" v="0"/> - Critical Chance Multiplier when using Ranged Weapons
<prop n="RangedCriticalDmgMul" v="0"/> - Critical Damage Multiplier when using Ranged Weapons
<prop n="RangedCritSevereLimbProb" v="0.2"/> - Severe Limbs Probability when getting a Critical Hit with Ranged Weapons
<prop n="RangedAttackSpeedMul" v="0"/> - Ranged Weapons Rate of Fire
<prop n="RangedKillExperienceBonus" v="0"/> - Experience Bonus Multiplier when using Ranged Weapons

<prop n="MedPackEffectivness" v="1"/> - Health Recovered Multiplier from Healing Items
<prop n="CoopMedPackEffectivenss" v="1"/> - Co-op partner Health Recovered Multiplier from Healing Items
<prop n="InjectorDurationBonus" v="0"/> - Duration multiplier from Buff Items

<prop n="KillExperienceBonus" v="0"/> - Experience Multiplier from Kills
<prop n="QuestExperienceBonus" v="0"/> - Experience Multiplier from completing Quests

<prop n="StompStaminaUsage" v="0.3"/> - Head Stomp Stamina used
<prop n="StaminaRegeneration" v="0.3"/> - Rate at which Stamina is Recovered

<prop n="MoveForwardMinSpeed" v="10"/> - Min Walking Speed
<prop n="MoveForwardMaxSpeed" v="350"/> - Max Walking Speed
<prop n="MoveBackwardMinSpeed" v="10"/> - Min moving backwards Speed
<prop n="MoveBackwardMaxSpeed" v="250"/> - Max moving backwards Speed
<prop n="MoveStrafeMinSpeed" v="10"/> - Min Strafing Speed
<prop n="MoveStrafeMaxSpeed" v="250"/> - Max Strafing Speed
<prop n="MoveSprintSpeed" v="550"/> - Sprinting Speed
<prop n="MoveSprintStaminaConsumption" v="0.05"/> - How much Stamina is used while Sprinting
<prop n="MoveAcceleration" v="700"/> - How fast you can get up to your Max Speed
<prop n="MoveDeceleration" v="1000"/> - How fast you can stop moving after releasing the LS

<prop n="JumpStaminaCost" v="0.06"/> - Amount of Stamina it takes to Jump
<prop n="JumpMaxHeight" v="85"/> - Max Jumping Height
<prop n="JumpMinHeight" v="85"/> - Min Jumping Height (Leave at default, 85)

<prop n="GrappleEscapeMul" v="2"/> - Escape Chance from an enemy grapple
<prop n="EnemyGrabChance" v="1"/> - Enemy's chance to grapple you

<prop n="MaxAmmoPistol" v="50"/> - Max Ammo Capacity for Pistols
<prop n="MaxAmmoRifle" v="60"/> - Max Ammo Capacity for Rifles
<prop n="MaxAmmoShotgun" v="20"/> - Max Ammo Capacity for Shotguns
<prop n="MaxAmmoSniper" v="15"/> - Max Ammo Capacity for Snipers

<prop n="WeightCanCarry" v="25.0"/> - Max weight of an object you can carry (don't think it does anything)

PAK: Data0.pak
FOLDER: Root (no folder)
FILE: collectables.scr and collectables_patch.scr

These are the files to mod the Craft Plans. You can copy/Paste in other weapons into the Craft Plan.
So you can have weapons crafted with Craft Plans they aren't supposed to be.

PAK: Data0.pak
FOLDER: Root (no folder)
FILE: debugplayerprogress.scr

AddItem("ITEM_NAME", #) - Add the Items name and the amount you want added
UnlockSkill("SKILL_NAME", 0-3) - Skill name and skills level you want unlocked
SetLevel(1-70) - Sets you characters level to the number you indicate
SetMoney(#) - Sets your money to the value you indicate

AddItem("CraftPart_Algae", 100)
UnlockSkill("FuryGain", 3)

PAK: DataPre.pak
FOLDER: di>data
FILE: Inventory.scr, inventory_gen.scr, inventory_patch.scr and inventory_special.scr

These are files to mod if you want to mod each weapon individually.
You can mod Ammo, Damage, Force, Model, Fire Rate, etc.

PAK: Data0.pak
FOLDER: Root (no folder)
FILE: shops.scr

This is the file to mod, to mod the shops in the game.

ColorItem("Melee_SickleWickedGen", 4, 3, 24)

GREEN = Item's Name
YELLOW = Roulette Space [0-5]
CYAN = Item's Color [White = 0, Green = 1, Violet = 2, Yellow = 3, Orange = 4]
ORANGE = Min Level the Item can be

PAK: Data0.pak
FOLDER: Root (no folder)
FILE: xp_rewards.scr

This is the file to mod, to mod base Experience amount you get from kills.

If you guys want to add anything, please post what you want. I haven't done too much ISO modding for the game, so I know I missed a few things.

Do not post this on any other website without my permission!!!

04-26-2013, 06:54 AM
Awesome job with the TUT Idle n thanks for sharing bro :)

04-26-2013, 07:08 AM
thanks for the info

04-26-2013, 05:11 PM
Yea, great job man, very in-depth!

04-26-2013, 05:20 PM
very cool share Idle, not that i can use any of this stuff lol

04-27-2013, 06:15 PM
This is awesome! a quick question bout the shops.scr. could you change the min level or color? and do you just throw it in the file or is there a place for it?
oh ya, is there a place that i don't see that has all the weapons?