View Full Version : PS4 To Regulate Used Games - Report Says.

06-08-2013, 05:52 AM
Sony's PlayStation 4 will feature similar DRM for used game purchases to Xbox One, according to a report.

Sony has been less vocal on the matter than Microsoft, allowing the latter firm to draw much of flak on the controversial topic since its May 21 Xbox One reveal.
Geoff Keighley on Gametrailers claims to have 'heard' that Sony is likely to enforce similar used game policies to its rival.

"Sony has sort of been seen as this kind of white knight so far that's not going to restrict used games. Based on some of the things I'm hearing, I don't think that's entirely true, because I can't see publishers allowing one system to do one thing and one the other."

Microsoft has confirmed that all Xbox One games will require mandatory installation onto the system's hard drive and, to install the same disc onto another user's drive, a fee must be paid.

But several statements from multiple Microsoft reps have failed to rectify ongoing confusion - and outrage - over the use of second-hand games on the console.

Reports claim that a new system will be put into place that sees revenues taken at retail for used game sales shared between Microsoft, the retailer and the game's publisher. If true, this system wouldn't govern the private sale of used games, in which case it appears a used game activation fee will be applied.

Microsoft has moved to dismiss reports surrounding Xbox One's used games policies as "inaccurate and incomplete", adding that its yet to finalize its policies on the matter. "Xbox One is designed to support the trade in and resale of games," it assured gamers, however.

Sony has escaped much of the controversy despite having not confirmed its policies for used games on PS4, other than to say that it won't block second-hand game use.

When pushed on the issue in an interview with CVG, Sony's VP of Worldwide Studios Michael Denny would only acknowledge that the firm would do what it sees as "the right thing" by both consumers and the development community.

Source: http://www.computerandvideogames.com/409184/ps4-to-regulate-used-games-like-xbox-one-report/

06-08-2013, 07:09 PM
Sony better do the right thing or im going to go omnislash on them :rage: lol, but seriously i would still buy a ps4 before xbox one because of other features besides used games