View Full Version : [Horizon D3] Change a duplicated character to make it "unique"?

09-09-2013, 10:41 AM
So here's my deal... I am farming Diablo on Diablo 3 on Xbox 360 with a modded gamesave. I duplicated the barb from the gamesave and changed his name and added him 9 times to MY gamesave. Works perfect but only problem i'm noticing is when i switch from barb 1 to barb 2 after killing diablo on barb 1 the game knows barb 2 is a duplicated barb 1 so i don't get my guaranteed legendary on barb 2.

Long story short... Is there a way i can keep the duplicated barbs but like change their character ID or whatever is needed to be changed, to make the game think it's a new barb and not the same one duplicated?

If my question is to confusing i can try to explain better >.< Thanks!

09-09-2013, 12:03 PM
I'm pretty sure the game determines if you killed Diablo by your challenges. You would need to replace your account.dat before every fight with one that hasn't killed Diablo on the difficulty you're playing. on.

09-09-2013, 01:16 PM
I'm pretty sure the game determines if you killed Diablo by your challenges. You would need to replace your account.dat before every fight with one that hasn't killed Diablo on the difficulty you're playing. on.

I'm able to kill diablo on stater game save on each character made on the same save but it seems to only effect the barbs i duplicated so makes me wonder if it's a unique identifier somewhere :/ No biggie tho :) Thanks for replying!!!