View Full Version : PS4 Software

11-12-2013, 08:19 AM
After all the crap MS got when they first said no used games here come sony Just 4 days before launch.


John Henry Eden
11-12-2013, 11:22 AM
I find this rather amusing.

11-12-2013, 02:59 PM

why.... i read this with utter disbelief.... but then logic hit me and i realized this is nothing but a money making headline for that website after reading the whole article i can say FOR A FACT anyone who clicks that link is only supplying money to that website

1. The latest PS4 FAQ SPECIFICALLY states you CAN infact trade and sell your games

2. it says Disc-based SOFTWARE..... when you buy a game you purchase the disc and the ability to play the software... you DO NOT purchase the software... so you CANNOT sell the software, but you can sell your disc...

i hope people read this before they go to that site with pitchfork and torches ready because that was honestly amusing to read until i got to the comments :011: i lost so much faith in humanity when i actually read the comments on that page

11-12-2013, 04:05 PM
More examples of bad journalism. check redditt posts, and links to more responsible stories. This restriction on disc based sales has been there since about 2009. President of Sony has clarified it as absolutely no change to what was stated. Sony is not changing their policy.

Your title is absolutely without question incorrect.

11-12-2013, 04:19 PM
6.3. You must not lease, rent, sublicense, publish, modify, adapt, or translate any portion of the Software.

7.1. You must not resell either Disc-based Software or Software Downloads, unless expressly authorised by us and, if the publisher is another company, additionally by the publisher.

The TOS is talking about the SOFTWARE itself, the code on the disc. You can't sell the SOFTWARE because that's still Sony's property. What you buy when you buy your game is the DISC (and the license to use the software on the disc) but the SOFTWARE remains with Sony, just as when you buy a Blu-ray of a movie, you are buying the physical disc, not the movie on the disc (the movie, i.e. the software, is still owned by the studio, and just because you bought the Blu-ray disc doesn't give you the right to sell the software). The TOS is saying you can't sell the SOFTWARE , for example, after you rip it off the game disc and repack it or burn it another another disc. Nowhere in the TOS does it say you can't sell the DISC. Nothing has changed. You are free to rent, trade, sell, buy your DISC. You cannot sell the SOFTWARE a.k.a. the CODE, that's on the disc a.k.a. the "disc-based software" or the software you download from the PSN.

What a frackin' waste of time Neowin has generated by thinking "Disc-based Software" is the same thing as "Game Disc." They're two different things! The code is not the same thing as the disc that the code is on. The code/software you can't sell, the disc you can rent, buy or sell. All this "Sony lied!" is for nothing.

It's true, you cant rip the software of the disc and resell it lol.

11-12-2013, 05:33 PM
its just about software not the actual game disc, people need to learn not to jump to conclusions lol

John Henry Eden
11-12-2013, 06:22 PM
its just about software not the actual game disc, people need to learn not to jump to conclusions lol
That's why it's so amusing... to me...

11-13-2013, 03:04 AM

why.... i read this with utter disbelief.... but then logic hit me and i realized this is nothing but a money making headline for that website after reading the whole article i can say FOR A FACT anyone who clicks that link is only supplying money to that website

1. The latest PS4 FAQ SPECIFICALLY states you CAN infact trade and sell your games

2. it says Disc-based SOFTWARE..... when you buy a game you purchase the disc and the ability to play the software... you DO NOT purchase the software... so you CANNOT sell the software, but you can sell your disc...

i hope people read this before they go to that site with pitchfork and torches ready because that was honestly amusing to read until i got to the comments :011: i lost so much faith in humanity when i actually read the comments on that page

Thanks for the clarification and point us that more clear information, much appreciated, because when I started to read the OP I just thought WTF now with Sony. Once again Thanks

11-30-2013, 10:54 PM
its just about software not the actual game disc, people need to learn not to jump to conclusions lol

Don't you know how journalism works?!? lol
