View Full Version : Help with Decryption? - EDF IA

07-11-2011, 06:53 PM
Hello all,

I've been out of the scene for a while and it seems this is where most of the xbox360content survivors migrated. I'm back due to the release of EDF: IA. The last EDF game was pretty easy to figure out, even a noob like me was able to write a guide (http://xboxdev.net/archive/showthread.php?4093-TUT-Earth-Defense-Force-Hex-Edit-Save).

I've extracted the save from the bin with LeFluffie. It seems the save is encrypted--I can't identify any patterns and even minor changes like purchasing a weapon creates massive waves of changes in the save.

I googled but couldn't find anything. If someone could give me one or two links, maybe even a program I'd greatly appreciate it. I'm pretty self-sufficient in that regard.

Many thanks :)

Here are some of the extracted saves if you'd like to compare the saves in your preferred hex editor.


07-11-2011, 07:33 PM
There's too much zeroed data for it to be encrypted and there's no compressed data stored. If you edited and the game is still parsing without error then that just validates my statement and also rules out a checksum on the data. So really, there's no integrity measures whatsoever..

The game was made by a different developer than the originals, thus being the reason data is stored differently. Most devs' will come up with a method of writing save data and then adapt that method in other games they create along the way. What I'm hinting at is if you look up other games made by the developer and have a look at the save data from those games, you will more than likely find similarities which en-turn, may help you figure out how to go about editing the data that you want

That or post saves with stat info and someone will tell you how to do so or just edit it for you

07-11-2011, 08:56 PM
There's too much zeroed data for it to be encrypted and there's no compressed data stored. If you edited and the game is still parsing without error then that just validates my statement and also rules out a checksum on the data. So really, there's no integrity measures whatsoever..

The game was made by a different developer than the originals, thus being the reason data is stored differently. Most devs' will come up with a method of writing save data and then adapt that method in other games they create along the way. What I'm hinting at is if you look up other games made by the developer and have a look at the save data from those games, you will more than likely find similarities which en-turn, may help you figure out how to go about editing the data that you want

That or post saves with stat info and someone will tell you how to do so or just edit it for you

feudalnate! Always a beacon of hope :-c

Alrighty, thanks so much! I'll do some research and give it shot before coming back on here to beg for more help. :D

07-11-2011, 11:03 PM

I have a working tutorial for editing the credits. It isn't solid since the game doesn't always show how many credits you have but it does work here and there. Best thing I can tell you is convert your credits to a floating decimal and search for that. That is what I essentially did. Although the credits will sometimes just not be there. I am now at the point where I just can't find my credits anymore but I have hacked it before. If you do find it I would suggest giving yourself at least 10 million credits since you might be like me and give yourself 1 million credits and than not be able to do it again.

I will also say the game does have a few sections zipped so you can use Offzip/Packzip but it isn't required to hack the credits and the value of the credits doesn't move to these sections either. I am stumped on how it writes it.