View Full Version : Software To Play Backup Ps2/ps3/xbox360

01-02-2011, 06:32 PM
hi guys, i found this and its sound unbelievable stupid. i have never heard about it.
is this crap even possible????


please read this and give some comments

01-02-2011, 07:00 PM
Well for one it's not an app to play (emulate) games for consoles it's supposedly for creating backups and second it's most definitely a scam. They claim it creates 1:1 images of the game discs but if you look into creating backups for console game discs; most methods require specific hardware and/or software to create a true 1:1 image.

Either way, I call an abundance of bullshit..

01-02-2011, 07:09 PM
i though so, if this was true then hacking consoles were useless.

01-02-2011, 07:35 PM
its a promotional package so their site can get ratings. or hits as it would be in the internet world.

01-02-2011, 08:18 PM
Yeah i remember reading up about that, and literaly lol'd at it, What a piece of ****.

01-03-2011, 06:56 AM
Game Copy Wizard is a better and easier way for you to completely backup any Video Games. Completely unlike anything our competitors are offering, it allows you to make quality backups of your games using a CD or DVD burner.

Have you ever been bothered that you cannot copy or backup video games ? You are in the right place! From now on you can copy your original discs and play the backups you have made with Game Copy wizard.

I don't know it to be a scam so to speak,Becuz reading this didn't say anything about this software hacks your systems to play burned games,However this software (SO they say)Backups your games like imgburn lol.

But really still pointless lol when you can use imgburn and a dvd burner.so might it be a scam lol idk I'm tired;)