View Full Version : Opinions on 3D

01-07-2011, 07:41 AM
ok, I'm curious as to what everyone thinks about the whole 3D craze.... cool? Lame? Amazing? Fad?

Personally, I think the 3Ds is pretty impressive (I didn't until I played with it at E3), as are no glasses 3D displays, but the whole having to wear glasses to watch TV bothers me.... It's 2011.. where's my minority report type displays?

01-07-2011, 08:03 AM
I suppose it'll be the same as playing with an iPad. I thought that I'd hate it, but I loved flinging maps and stuff around with my whole hand. I'd really love to see an auto-stereoscopic screen, though. It's obviously not 10-feet-in-front-of-the-display holograms, but what IS it like? I need to go to the store and have a play some time :P

01-07-2011, 09:47 AM
ok, I'm curious as to what everyone thinks about the whole 3D craze.... cool? Lame? Amazing? Fad?

Personally, I think the 3Ds is pretty impressive (I didn't until I played with it at E3), as are no glasses 3D displays, but the whole having to wear glasses to watch TV bothers me.... It's 2011.. where's my minority report type displays?
Emm call me a lame one guy =) But, i didnt see even a tiny bit of 3D game or movie xD So, i think its lame,coz i never seen it,yet)

01-07-2011, 10:44 AM
I feel it is just a fad at this stage, a catch to swing in more money for companies.
Sure it has been improved over a short time but to me it stills feels like a cheap attachment to as I said bring more money.

Though Granted I could see its technology being a superb asset for certain genres especially the horror genre. Like I could imagine it could add a whole new level to the genre seeing in, lets say Dead Space a creature jump right at you in 3D.

Though other than that I can't see it being implemented as standard any time soon.

Also if it does one day become standard they would have to implement something for those who can't see it (A person I know said she couldn't see no matter how many times she tried)

01-07-2011, 07:09 PM
I think it is pretty cool but some 3d movies could be better or had no reason being 3d, cant wait until gaming turns like tron than that will be awesome

01-08-2011, 03:13 AM
some 3d movies could be better or had no reason being 3D

Just on that, A lot of movies chucked in the 3D aspect at the last second unlike how Avatar was implementing 3D from the get go. It was just "hey lets get on the recent bandwagon of 3D, it will be a great way to get those extra ticket sales"

01-08-2011, 04:57 AM
Just on that, A lot of movies chucked in the 3D aspect at the last second unlike how Avatar was implementing 3D from the get go. It was just "hey lets get on the recent bandwagon of 3D, it will be a great way to get those extra ticket sales"

Thats true hope they actually try to make a awesome 3d movie instead of just trying to get more money by adding cheap 3d, probably not going to happen,lol

01-08-2011, 08:32 PM
3D was the death of Spider-Man 4.... Sam Raimi said "F YOU!" to Sony when they demanded the movie be 3D and be released in 2011. Raimi said that it would take too long and too many changes to make it a good 3D film and rolled out on the picture... Sony said "oh wel" and decided to start a "reboot" of the whole movie series. L A M E

Insane JIC
01-09-2011, 08:25 PM
Reinvented tech at its best.

Emerald Lance
01-10-2011, 07:38 AM
I'm not sure. I'd love to say I'm looking forward to it, but I bet it will cause a strain on the eyes... I gues I'll just have to wait and find out.

01-10-2011, 02:05 PM
I think 3d tv is a bit like kinect. Its an awesome piece of technology and it is the future (still in its early days also) and i bet it is here to stay.
Its still a bit pricey so most will try and justify why they do not like it.
Wearing the glasses is not that bad. You get use to it.

So a big massive awesome from me :)

01-10-2011, 02:12 PM
3D is yet another fad, I really don't see it making into homes so much as it making it into theaters...

01-10-2011, 03:47 PM
3D=Way Overrated, having a 3D tv is just plain stupid as you can tell the early part of 2010 3D was reintroduce making every movie that hits the theater is now 3D and upcoming movies are 3D and what they don't realise that is a failure.

01-11-2011, 03:33 AM
3D=Way Overrated, having a 3D tv is just plain stupid as you can tell the early part of 2010 3D was reintroduce making every movie that hits the theater is now 3D and upcoming movies are 3D and what they don't realise that is a failure.

Like I say it is a marketing gimmick, ""Insert Movie title" In 3D", sad thing is though it works quite well in that regard since people will go to see it at a higher price since it is 3D.

I would much rather them work on increasing TV resolution to what is it now 2600x1600?

01-23-2011, 09:32 PM
3D at the movie theater is fine with me , but at home not so much you just dont get the same effect imo.

01-31-2011, 06:32 AM
ive played a few games in 3d so far. and, i think it'll be around for a long time.