View Full Version : I just cheated on this site

01-12-2011, 04:37 AM
Well I went over to xboxdev just to check it out and realized all they do is complain over there. I want refund this I want refund that. I have noticed on this site for the 2 months or so that I have been here that we all get along there isnt any fighting and everyone wants to work together on getting stuff done. I have to say that this community is really tight nit and we need to keep it that way. Congrats guys you did what some sites take years to do.

01-12-2011, 05:57 AM
LOL yea well we don't want to fight,fighting is useless and boring.Ppl that got Valhalla should of atleast know that it wasn't the best AIO out there lol I mean they should of atleast read before buying.

I never did get the title of this topic tho lol.

01-12-2011, 06:11 AM
I agree with Genesis.
Lets keep the site clean like the old site except the valhalla section lol.

01-12-2011, 06:23 AM
Just registered here and there is a lot more going on here then at the dev site. It is awesome and full of good ppl too.

01-12-2011, 07:18 AM
The reason we don't fight, Is because we were what made xbox360-content what it was, Teamwork, sharing, advice, I've been activating platinum on that site for SM, you'd think they would stop complaining, But now all they do is complain about Valhalla not opening, due to the server not being up yet. I am proud to be a member and member of staff for this site and will be for many months to come.

01-12-2011, 04:50 PM
only months renegade awe man i guess times a tickin lol. i was hoping you would stick around for years. lol

Magnus Hydra
01-12-2011, 06:03 PM
Yeah those guys didn't learn form the profile tool and now the Valhalla. I hate to mean and talk about others but truth it the truth. Sm seem to be all about the money. He make programs promotes great things and it doesn't really get done. He doesn't support is buyer. I mean poor Eaton was helping him out alot with the profile tool as user support. Then SM blame the mods and admin for messing up the forums and screw Eaton over on paypal. Then he said he will give every old Vips 1month of platinum lol.. Its sad but he screwed up again. I know he is a good programmer but unwise when it comes to his decisions.

01-12-2011, 06:12 PM
Yes guys i totaly agree :D this site is awesome and very helpfull.

not much to talk about tho, cause not many games are showing :( its been quite for now with game release.

01-12-2011, 06:22 PM
Yes guys i totaly agree :D this site is awesome and very helpfull.

not much to talk about tho, cause not many games are showing :( its been quite for now with game release.Just give it time Jappi ;) Time's a' tickin', For now though, I am focusing on older games that don't have tools etc, Give them a chance to be re-played and treasured :P

01-12-2011, 06:28 PM
dead space 2 comes out soon im sure someone will put something out for that. the key to the success of this site is we need to be faster than everyone else. come out with editors first and better than everyone else. Another key failure to alot of sites is money. Greed does bad things to people.

01-12-2011, 09:42 PM
i would love to see a dead space 2 tool when it comes out. im getting the collectors edition for both ps3/360. and, ill be willing to give my game saves for either console. i will also be willing to beta test the tools. when the game is released. i dont even goto the other site anymore.

Insane JIC
01-12-2011, 09:54 PM
I really do miss the old 360 content website.

01-12-2011, 09:56 PM
same here. it was much better than it is now.

01-12-2011, 10:10 PM
I really do miss the old 360 content website.

same here. it was much better than it is now.Technically this is xbox360-content, We have all of the main people who contibuted apps for the community to use, It's just a matter of rebuilding our empire, We will soon accomplish world domination once again.

01-12-2011, 10:17 PM
Technically this is xbox360-content, We have all of the main people who contibuted apps for the community to use, It's just a matter of rebuilding our empire, We will soon accomplish world domination once again.

thx for correcting me. :)

01-12-2011, 11:28 PM
All i can say is ditto to everything everyone has said. Dev is nothing but complaints about Valhalla and threads on refunds and just so much complaining about how they bought plat and it's not working and when will their bought Plat kick in on Valhalla. How can so many people forget what happened with Profile Tool? Oh well. the new "Haven" seems to be coming along nicely.

01-13-2011, 03:49 AM
dead space 2 comes out soon im sure someone will put something out for that. the key to the success of this site is we need to be faster than everyone else. come out with editors first and better than everyone else. Another key failure to alot of sites is money. Greed does bad things to people.

Well this site has some of the best modders around, so it has a good advantage in quality and whatnot.

01-13-2011, 05:26 AM
Technically this is xbox360-content, We have all of the main people who contibuted apps for the community to use, It's just a matter of rebuilding our empire, We will soon accomplish world domination once again.

Indeed, Xbox360 content (www.xbox360-content.net). lol

01-13-2011, 06:35 AM
Yes guys i totaly agree :D this site is awesome and very helpfull.

not much to talk about tho, cause not many games are showing :( its been quite for now with game release.

Just you wait even has we speak I'm working on some stuff (I just have to get over a lost friend of mine) lol.

01-13-2011, 03:28 PM
I agree with everyone here, this site is awesome, we will rule all, lol

01-13-2011, 04:45 PM
Just gotta hit em with that omnislash lol.

Emerald Lance
01-16-2011, 10:53 AM
Does one even need to add more? Actually, that was a rhetorical question; of course I'm going to add more. ^-^

One almost ought to feel sad for Super; he figured he'd be a big shot and make his own thing and not listen to his community "because I own the site, so I can do what I want" and all that. Then his new site got all the punishment of his bad decisions, ie most of the community said "yeah, well screw you too" and chose not to be a part of any of it. His biggest flaw was that he thought that, since he was the head honcho of the last website, that he WAS the community and that the members would follow him to the deepest depths. Now, he's sitting in his governor's chair with nobody to govern. He more or less dug hs own grave, and he figured that people would stick with him regardless of the decisions he made.

I'll make the same argument here that I made there: a website is what it is because of the community, not because of the staff. And if the community that made 360-Content wanted to be there, they'd have been there. Super made the mistake of thinking that he and his Valhalla tool were the driving force of 360-Content, so when he moved he figured he could do anything he wanted and people would be willing to put up with it because it was to be the new 360-Content; needless to say, he was wrong. And that's why I feel a little sorry for him; he got it thrown in his face that he and Valhalla are NOT the driving force behind the community.

Despite my harsh tone, my intention isn't to offend any that it may concern; I'm simply speaking the truth as I see it.

Magnus Hydra
01-16-2011, 06:16 PM
Its funny how alot of people see the same thing.

01-16-2011, 07:08 PM
I totally agree i couldnt have put it any better

01-17-2011, 04:14 AM
there is absolutely nothing i can say that hasn't already been said i just happen to come across the other site thought man this place has a lot of talent ppl doing things i may never be able to do then not long after i found the place it started changing all i seen was a cocky kid pissing everyone off trying to force changes on ppl they didnt want then one day on the forum when i was just checking in just to c what new awe-fullness had befallen the site someone posted a new forum topic asking if the PM they got fro genises was a real thing so i decided to come here and c for myself and low and behold all the greats were here and there was a definite calmness and a sense of achievement the ppl here are definitely what made the other site great and its a shame super couldnt see that

thanks for creating this wonderful site


01-17-2011, 04:18 AM
the maturity level here is 100x better than the other side of the tracks.

01-17-2011, 04:53 AM
the maturity level here is 100x better than the other side of the tracks.

That's because the majority of us are adults...

01-17-2011, 06:00 AM
that is true what jizza said as sm does have the know how he looks down on poeple which is not a good way to present yourself and a tool you created i ll be here as well really nice site :)

Emerald Lance
01-17-2011, 06:31 AM
True that, Jizza. As far as I can tell, with the exception of those who carried over from 360-Content, most of the members on XboxDev are teenagers who want a quick Halo Reach or Black Ops hack; in other words, kids who have no interest in actually learning how to hack yet expect those who know how to make them a god save with max cR in Reach or max Prestige in Black Ops. My only reason for being there in the first place (as is, I'm sure, of similar circumstance to the cases of others) is because I didn't know about 360Haven at the time. Here I can rest assured that people won't ignore/look down on my questions, and when people want my help I know it is because they are trying and can't seem to get it down (as opposed to simply not wanting to bother learning to hex, of all things).

I want to thank the community for being as cool and helpful as it is, I want to thank the staff for running this place with as much lenience as it is being run with (as well as for keeping it clean from spammers and trolls), and I want to thank the head admin (I assume Seph, but I could be oh so wrong there) for having the nads to actually send the message forward that the community isn't tied down to a site's name. I myself hold no weight in this community (or any other, for that matter) and yet everybody here treats me like a pal and don't look down their nose at me because I don't know how to crack checksums. So for that, I solute you all.

01-17-2011, 07:29 AM
Well i will agree, for awhile now this site gets on very well and im learning lots from alot of members so i will contribute where i can.

01-17-2011, 09:17 AM
I want to thank the staff for running this place with as much lenience as it is being run with (as well as for keeping it clean from spammers and trolls), and I want to thank the head admin (I assume Seph, but I could be oh so wrong there) for having the nads to actually send the message forward that the community isn't tied down to a site's name.

Yes, sephiroth is our lead man, the founder, and the owner of the site and domain. And also yes, the staff here are very lenient, but there's been no reason why not to be. We are also very able to lay down the law if need be... It's important to protect the site, it's name and it's members. And our staff are not only good for the site but also we are all intelligent and try to help the members when possible without charging a fee for everything...

02-03-2011, 04:05 AM
Some sites just don't know how to come together as a community. The only way a community grows is when its members come together for the same cause. It's about being a band of brothers, look out for each other and help when you can.

02-03-2011, 01:43 PM
don't forget the arcade section.....I sleep on this site.

02-03-2011, 10:41 PM
360content / Xboxdev / whatever the hell it's called now is a joke compared to this place.

The staff over at the other site doesn't care. Example: They were supposed to keep an archive of all the old stuff that the modders made, but the archive has been dead for months now, and nobody bothered to put it back up.

At least things are active here, and people do stuff. It's so much better. Keep up the good work.

02-04-2011, 12:40 AM
I'll make the same argument here that I made there: a website is what it is because of the community

You hit the nail on the head. This is why I still miss 360gamesaves, the community was great and helpful for a long time. This is the first site since that I have really had any desire to be active in. I do see other people from 360gamesaves here as well.

Caleb Ragnarok
02-04-2011, 01:51 AM
It's starting off very. very good. This site already is getting known and Xboxdev is already known as crap.