View Full Version : Skyrim PS3 Graphics as good as PC

09-16-2011, 03:28 AM

With people tossing up which platform to get, it's always good when the developers make it easier. I'm always sick of hearing which version is better and more often than not it comes down to graphical hardware. With a lot of people favouring the 360 more when it comes to choice, it's good to hear Bethesda have gone all out with both the PC and PS3 version of the game by giving a good amount of graphical detail to both.

The news broke today on Pete Hines, a Bethesda employee, who exclaimed on his twitter account, "watched Todd play Skyrim for quite a while. Had no idea he was playing PS3 version until he helpd up controller. So PS3 owners don't fret"

This may or may not be a neat little PR stunt from the guys at Bethesda and may drive up some pre-order sales, but I say wait till we see some comparison clips or hear the reviews for the games slowly start to come out of the woodwork. PS3 consistently boasts the best graphical and engineering power but other than a few things in Uncharted, Heavy Rain and Metal Gear Solid, nothing has truly wowed me graphically on the system.

Whether or not, they'll look the same at the end of the day may end up being due to your HDMI output, TV or monitor type or just your graphics card, but remember all the graphics in the world can't cover up terrible gameplay or a metric ton of bugs.
