View Full Version : Spider-Man: Edge of Time goes 3D

10-05-2011, 08:46 PM
Destructoid reports that Spider-Man: Edge of Time on the 3DS is almost identical to the console versions of the game in terms of story, level design, cutscenes and pretty much everything else. They say there’s “an obvious horsepower gap between the 3DS and PS3 or Xbox 360, but the developers managed to do a very respectable job of porting that console experience over to Nintendo’s newest portable.”

This is a different approach than what most developers have been taking. Most of the time they’ll choose to create a different version of the game so there are few similarities between them aside from the art style and the story. But, in this case, it sounds like emulating the console versions actually works because, although “some of the finer details are lost on the 3DS, and the animations aren’t nearly as smooth,” it is apparently impressive how close they came. If you’re interested in Spider-Man, you may want to keep an eye on this.


10-06-2011, 08:21 PM
I,m gonna play this game without the 3D mode on