View Full Version : Modding with DARK SOULS Editor .. New to Hex WorkShop .. [ NEED HELP ]

10-10-2011, 08:39 PM
Ok so i've had the Dark Souls Editor since it's release and it has been working perfectly .. until now.
I've been messing with the stats/health/stam/humanity seeing how far i could put them up and the highest ive gotten is
9999 all stats .. 9999 humanity .. 999999999 souls .. 999999999 health and stam but lvl my only goes to 99
my friend told me that the level cap was about 700+ but the editor only lets me go to 99
recently ive died and lost all my souls and humanity (ran out of sacrifice rings) and when i went back to mod my souls and humanity
my file says corrupted.. this is the first its done that, ive re-modded it before and it worked just fine but now it does it all the time.
i've been seeing posts of people started to just mod the game with Hex WorkShop but ive never used it.. so idk what to do on there
i recently downloaded WorkShop but never got the chance to try it..because on the same day Dark Souls editor came out, so i just used the editor
because i hear that WorkShop is extremely difficult to use when your new to it, so if anybody has a video or a walkthrough on how its done
id greatly appreciate it..

Also, ive been wondering can you mod your save to make your character weaker?
because im fighting Seth for the first time and people tell me that i have to die on my first encounter with him BUT
seeing as my health is 1bill thats not a choice i have atm, so do i have to do all of that in WorkShop like everybody else?

10-10-2011, 08:53 PM
My hex editor doesn't seem to work and i don't know what program i need to download in order to run the mod tool so i'm outta luck right now too.

10-11-2011, 12:18 AM
Whoa. This game must be some shit! Even with everything maxed out you CAN still die???

10-11-2011, 01:18 AM
the places you go are the things that kill you.. every place is up very high and on edges of cliffs .. so you mainly die by falling to your death not by the monsters .. this game is EXTREMELY difficult to play .. without mods all you will do is die .. so no its not shit just very hard

10-12-2011, 02:33 AM
Thankyou..someone understands lol this a freakin hard game.. sometimes i don't care if there is a story as long as its fun and difficult to get through..long game though :)

10-12-2011, 04:38 AM
Ok so i've had the Dark Souls Editor since it's release and it has been working perfectly .. until now.
I've been messing with the stats/health/stam/humanity seeing how far i could put them up and the highest ive gotten is
9999 all stats .. 9999 humanity .. 999999999 souls .. 999999999 health and stam but lvl my only goes to 99
my friend told me that the level cap was about 700+ but the editor only lets me go to 99
recently ive died and lost all my souls and humanity (ran out of sacrifice rings) and when i went back to mod my souls and humanity
my file says corrupted.. this is the first its done that, ive re-modded it before and it worked just fine but now it does it all the time.
i've been seeing posts of people started to just mod the game with Hex WorkShop but ive never used it.. so idk what to do on there
i recently downloaded WorkShop but never got the chance to try it..because on the same day Dark Souls editor came out, so i just used the editor
because i hear that WorkShop is extremely difficult to use when your new to it, so if anybody has a video or a walkthrough on how its done
id greatly appreciate it..

Also, ive been wondering can you mod your save to make your character weaker?
because im fighting Seth for the first time and people tell me that i have to die on my first encounter with him BUT
seeing as my health is 1bill thats not a choice i have atm, so do i have to do all of that in WorkShop like everybody else? Cybersam did say, during testing, they found out it wont work on, from the look of it, humans. You must be undead, or it comes out differently. Also, he said and this is quoted... "...as we did test this editor a lot of savegames and not one of them was corrupted... only one or two that were modified before." being as from what he said, if it was modded before like you have, chances are it isn't going to work.

10-12-2011, 07:20 AM
Ooh ok i got it to work now.. Thanks a lot bro, I didnt see the post of him saying that..
All i had to do was die and stayed a hollow so i was able to re-mod it again..

*ThumbsUp* :bigsmile:

10-14-2011, 10:42 AM
im in a similar situation, my gamesave got corrupted. im going to try being hollow and see if that works.

04-30-2012, 01:44 PM
uhm, no you can be killed even if you give your self 'god like' mode, bleedout weapons will cause you to die, ive tested this numorious times and died. even bosses and PvE can kill you if you're hit enough times. i died after 13 times that i was summoned to help people with four kings, i never bonfire'ed. you dont have unlimited health, you just have TONs of it. people should understand their players stats and watch their health go down when they are attacked like i did.

05-02-2012, 03:46 AM
My hex editor doesn't seem to work

08-03-2012, 07:35 PM
Just use power within with a fully upgrade pyro flame youll die

09-16-2015, 03:23 PM
hullo im fabalous