View Full Version : Crysis 2 - Multiplayer Beta - Your Multiplayer Experience

01-25-2011, 03:00 PM
Just thought i'd make a thread relating to the MP of this game.

I have never played Crysis PC game before, So this was a first.

So i'm loading up the game and notice it had killstreaks and custom classes and all, So i'm look oooh just like cod?

Get into a game...exactly like cod choosing the killstreaks to use etc.

Of course i was distracted with the scenery and structure of the game than the actual gameplay, Very beautiful detail put into it.

So played a few, got 1 kill 12 deaths :P then decided to quit out.

Oh...then i noticed the stealth equipment...Yes i spammed the hell out of that thing <3 my new fave.

What are your views and experiences on the game?

Original Boss
01-25-2011, 04:51 PM
Not fair i just kinda woke up and crysis 2 popped in my head and i remembered oh YES it on the marketplace for a free demo along with bullet storm two sick games i can not wait to play i will have to get back at you on the experience bit as i too never played the first one and im currently downloading crysis 2 now hehe

01-26-2011, 02:58 PM
I'm a veteran when it comes to Crysis and I have to say that the way they went about this just makes me sick! It's like they took the Crysis character skin and popped it on a COD player and said, hey let's call it Crysis 2!"

I was so looking forward to this when it was announced too, but after playing the demo I'm not to sure about it anymore. Way to drop the ball on a good thing there Crytek and let's not shift any of the blame away from that crap company EA while we're at it. Sure EA releases some of the better games, but they always find ways of screwing over the consumer.

01-29-2011, 11:00 PM
I'm a veteran when it comes to Crysis and I have to say that the way they went about this just makes me sick! It's like they took the Crysis character skin and popped it on a COD player and said, hey let's call it Crysis 2!"

I was so looking forward to this when it was announced too, but after playing the demo I'm not to sure about it anymore. Way to drop the ball on a good thing there Crytek and let's not shift any of the blame away from that crap company EA while we're at it. Sure EA releases some of the better games, but they always find ways of screwing over the consumer.

I Agree.

I've played Crysis on my PC with all my settings set to MAX without any Lag and it looks by far 5 times better then Crysis 2 on the Xbox360. The Controls could use some more work and so could the Graphic's, that is If they are trying to keep their promise in making the best looking Graphical Console game that's out up to Date. Because the way it is i could mention over 5 Exclusive Games on both Platforms that look far better then Crysis 2 did in the Demo/Beta.

Here's some Gameplay Footage of me playing the Demo:


Original Boss
01-29-2011, 11:09 PM
I Agree.

I've played Crysis on my PC with all my settings set to MAX without any Lag and it looks by far 5 times better then Crysis 2 on the Xbox360. The Controls could use some more work and so could the Graphic's, that is If they are trying to keep their promise in making the best looking Graphical Console game that's out up to Date. Because the way it is i could mention over 5 Exclusive Games on both Platforms that look far better then Crysis 2 did in the Demo/Beta.

Here's some Gameplay Footage of me playing the Demo:


Is one of them games called metal gear solid rising by any chance haha the graphics on that game to say it was a demo was absolutely brilliant

01-29-2011, 11:14 PM
Is one of them games called metal gear solid rising by any chance haha the graphics on that game to say it was a demo was absolutely brilliant

Lol, can't wait for Metal Gear Solid: Rising and hopefully they improve Crysis 2 Graphically and Control wise before it's release.

01-29-2011, 11:44 PM
I liked the demo at first when it came out i played it a for a while reached max level 10 and then stopped a few days later friends decided to try it out and i got back and i was sick. Maybe it was the people i kept getting paired with but it seem everyone would sit in corners with cloak and wait for you to come by then melee to the back. I see this as a spreading problem too with the gamers in this day and age. Because when one 13 kids sees someone do it he is gonna do it too. and yes i know there are ways to combat it but walking around with nano vision on puts you at a dissadvantage to the other people that arent doin the sitting in corners

01-30-2011, 10:43 PM
I want this beta so bad....but on pc.

01-31-2011, 05:31 AM
i couldnt get the demo to download right

02-03-2011, 08:43 PM
Anyone know if the demo is coming to pc?

Original Boss
02-03-2011, 09:26 PM
Anyone know if the demo is coming to pc?

Yes it will be coming to pc