View Full Version : MW3 - Custom Class / Clan Tag

11-29-2011, 06:45 AM
Colored Custom Class Names:

1) go to https://elite.callofduty.com/career#/playercardmw3/custom-classes
2) select the custom class and edit the name
3) use the codes below for the different colors-

Color Codes: (found on youtube)

^1 = Red
^2 = Green
^3 = Yellow
^4 = Blue
^5 = Light Blue
^6 = Pink
^7 = White
^0 = Black

4) save the changes and select "SEND CHANGES TO GAME"
5) start the game and accept the changes from COD ELITE

Buttons/Symbols in Clan Tag:

1) go to Call Sign and Clan Tag
2) use the codes below for each button/symbol-
Note) after inputting each code, press start to accept then re-edit for more.
Important) It is unknown if there are any consequences from using these codes. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!

Button Codes: (found on youtube)

ÁP = Left Stick
ÁQ = Right Stick
ÁR = Left Trigger
ÁS = Right Trigger
ÁJ = Empty clan tag, name shows in space below
ÁA = A Button
ÁB = B Button
ÁC = X Button
ÁD = Y Button
ÁU = DPAD Down
ÁV = DPAD Left
ÁW = DPAD Right
ÁE = Left Bumper
ÁF = Right Bumper
ÁN = Start Button
ÁO = Back Button

Symbol Codes: (found by myself)

Áâ = ¢ "cent"
Áæ = ¦ "broken bar"
Áç = § "section"
Áé = © "copyright"
Áì = ¬ "not"
Áî = ® "registered"
Áï = ¯ "macron"
Áñ = ± "plus/minus"
Áò = ² "superscript 2"
Áó = ³ "superscript 3"
Áø = "subscript >"
Áþ = ¾ "three quarter"
Áù = ¹ "superscript 1"
Áü = ¼ " one quarter"
Áý = ½ "one half"

If anyone knows of other codes then please post your findings so everyone can enjoy!

Original Boss
11-29-2011, 07:09 AM
Hey look everyone JizzaBeez is still alive! lol