View Full Version : Final Fantasy VII remake would take too long - Square

12-02-2011, 08:41 PM
Let's just face it: A HD 3D remake of Final Fantasy VII isn't going to happen.
Square's responses to questioning over a much-requested remake have always been a bit cautious. The 'we here your cries but have no current plans' sort of responses. But Final Fantasy XIII producer Yoshinori Kitase's finally given the candid answer we sort of knew anyway - it'd take too long and cost too much. Here's his full response, spoken during an interview with our friends at OXM: "In the transition between XIII to XIII-2, it was quite easy because obviously we kept all the data and the engine - we had just finished using them so it was almost like they hadn't gone cold. The technology was already warm and ready to use, so it was quite good. Also within the team, we still had a feel for the game, it was still new to us, still lingering with us, so we were ready to move on to the sequel. "But if we were to take one of the past Final Fantasy titles and make a sequel to it, I think that would be a lot more challenging because when they were on PlayStation and PlayStation 2 their actual game volume was a lot bigger, kind of. "Graphically they weren't as advanced as they are now, but there were lots of towns and worlds and cities and whatever. So if we were to recreate the same kind of game - sequel or not - with the same volume, but give it a much higher level of graphical quality, it would us take three times, four times, even ten times longer to make such a game. So making a sequel for an old game would be a lot more challenging." Will we stop dreaming now?

12-02-2011, 08:46 PM
And that ends the endless rumors of FF7 being remade.

Maybe now they can focus on FF6 instead. Heh :bigsmile:

12-02-2011, 09:01 PM
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

all my hopes and dreams destroyed XD

12-02-2011, 09:02 PM
thats likely why they made the final fantasy films instead to try and make up for droping the remake.

12-02-2011, 10:11 PM

that comment from square made me really laugh...

But if we were to take one of the past Final Fantasy titles and make a sequel to it, I think that would be a lot more challenging because when they were on PlayStation and PlayStation 2 their actual game volume was a lot bigger, kind of. "Graphically they weren't as advanced as they are now, but there were lots of towns and worlds and cities and whatever. So if we were to recreate the same kind of game - sequel or not - with the same volume, but give it a much higher level of graphical quality, it would us take three times, four times, even ten times longer to make such a game. So making a sequel for an old game would be a lot more challenging.

and this really settle the argument about game complexity and what is prioritized... this is quite sad indeed
"it is way to challenging to create good games there for we make games that look great
but we don't need a good story a world that is big or a world that was built with care. such things cost too much.
people love such games and they would play game multiple times... that's not good for business. people need to buy a new game after finishing with one
they don't even have to finish the game but we can make them buy a new one.

no one need games that people would play over and over again" (well that is some sort of translation of the text from text above)

i wish that the time will come again when game developer create their games with more care for the game itself
i also miss those old days where i had a lot of fun playing games, games that kept my interest in them going
these days when i play a game.... i stop playing it after a little while as they are no fun or not really interesting... even if they seemed interesting/fun at the beginning

12-03-2011, 01:06 AM
Couldnt agree more. I had long given up hope of a FF7 remake.


that comment from square made me really laugh...

and this really settle the argument about game complexity and what is prioritized... this is quite sad indeed
"it is way to challenging to create good games there for we make games that look great
but we don't need a good story a world that is big or a world that was built with care. such things cost too much.
people love such games and they would play game multiple times... that's not good for business. people need to buy a new game after finishing with one
they don't even have to finish the game but we can make them buy a new one.

no one need games that people would play over and over again" (well that is some sort of translation of the text from text above)

i wish that the time will come again when game developer create their games with more care for the game itself
i also miss those old days where i had a lot of fun playing games, games that kept my interest in them going
these days when i play a game.... i stop playing it after a little while as they are no fun or not really interesting... even if they seemed interesting/fun at the beginning

12-11-2011, 09:13 PM
pfff....... better to spend 10 years making a remake of games like FFVI, FFVII FFVIII than release those crappy things bearing the name "Final Fantasy"

01-20-2012, 05:16 PM
pfff....... better to spend 10 years making a remake of games like FFVI, FFVII FFVIII than release those crappy things bearing the name "Final Fantasy"

So true :(

03-14-2012, 03:58 PM
I replayed through Final Fantasy VII more times than I ever did with Skyrim. Even now I play through my old Final Fantasy games just to enjoy the story. Don't get me wrong though, I like Skyrim as much as the next gamer.

04-21-2012, 12:55 AM
i knew square was gonna find excuses XD like yeah yeah thats great and all but come on! at least an HD version of FFXII it was the second best game next to VII to me :117:

04-21-2012, 04:22 AM
I am very disappointed with this. I agree with Cybersam. It is all about producing half assed product that you by every six months to keep them with money in there pockets. That being said I still hope/believe that there is some skunk works somewhere working on it right now. It is the only think keeping me going through these harsh times of crappy games and pis poor sequels. COD anyone?

04-21-2012, 06:41 AM
I think it is a lousy excuse to say the money or the time factor is problem. Lets look at the sales chart for FF VII. A remake of this classic would certainly spur at least the same if not more sales then the original game. Lets also figure on all the micro transactions for DLC. If the game carries the same story line, the same depth of play, the same feeling of openness as the original game, well then you will have another hit. People are not looking for a reinvention of the wheel when it comes to FF VII, just simply an update to graphics and the chance to relive the classic with more visual pleasure and the chance to open up more story line with some well placed DLC.

04-21-2012, 06:46 AM
screw HD.. we need a reboot!

Magnus Hydra
04-21-2012, 07:36 AM
I CALL BS!!!!! look at final fantasy crisis core a good 80% of the Graphic are probably on that game plus they could use that same engine. So there is no need to tell us this bs. One of a few reason I stopped playing final fantasy game...

04-21-2012, 07:49 AM
The sucks

04-21-2012, 07:46 PM
Here, Here! normg27.

08-27-2012, 01:03 AM
why is that??? i just know if they do that even those who has their system hacked will buy it no matter what and that would rise square again they really should look back at FF VII, IX, and X every FF were good but they really need to make remakes in full not HD

08-27-2012, 01:47 PM
As much as I loved FF VII I would rather have a new game, I honestly think that remake for it would take away from it, all that made it such a great game would be taken away from it and if they changed anything there would be just post after post on how they screwed it up. I love the game for what it was at the time it was released, and to me that is what made it great.

11-13-2013, 07:22 AM
i will waiting no matter how long with this just hope the quare enix can remake to release again in someday!

12-06-2013, 08:43 AM
I am not entirely sure the remake would be as costly as they make it out to be, I think they have more behind it then that. Perhaps they don't have anyone on staff from the (story) design team that made VII and therefore have no current knowledge of the game other then its a favored title, making it a pain to draw up the plans from ground zero. There isn't a reason why they couldn't redo it financially by being fiscally intelligent and keeping the remake quality both good and yet cost effective. If what was said first post is true, then that means any FF game from here out is a copy and paste of the last with a few tweaks here and there and a different graphics team, and to me that's not cost effective, that's lazy. The last I even heard of a final fantasy VII remakes was when they were announcing the release of the ps3 and a remade VII game video was put out as sort of a teaser, yet it never went anywhere and they never capitalized on it, yet someone bothered presenting the video. A member of their staff perhaps even the C.O. (I can't remember which) responded to calls for a VII remake by saying they would be willing to do it if they had more fan support, which I thought was ridiculous because what FF fan wouldn't like to see it? There will be a FF VII remake, most likely not anytime soon, but sooner or later they will get someone in there smart enough to listen to fans, but also knows he or she will make bank by doing so.
Last I checked a lot of FF fans are disappointed with the series lately, and if that hurts their sales enough someone might actually come forward with the idea, present it, and it be decided that its the best course to keep fans money in their pockets.