View Full Version : I need help modding Dungeon Defenders Weapons

12-29-2011, 03:45 AM
Ok I modded a ton of weapons today and most of them I cannot attack with but my freinds can any ideas of how to fix??

12-29-2011, 09:03 AM
from 010203 till the next 010203 post the code so I can take a look at it and tell you what's wrong. Modding the weapons is easy... inserting new code (which I'm in the middle of) is a real pain.

http://i.imgur.com/Hixm8.png (http://www.purchasemods.com)Visit my YouTube Channel for More Mod Support (http://www.youtube.com/user/XboxRainbowMods/featured)http://i.imgur.com/Hixm8.png (http://www.purchasemods.com)
(Click Here) (http://www.youtube.com/user/XboxRainbowMods/featured)

12-29-2011, 03:45 PM
0102037F7F7F7F7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF00FFFDFE7F0003 81410000FFFDFE401672C23F8000001B000000007F00000000 FF000023817F7F7F000300000012F430C071E3FC0000001F40 1B000000000000000000000000010100000001000040A00000 40A0000040A000003F8000003FDC6B27405702AC40A000003F 8000000000000A426C61737469637573000000000A68696768 206D6F6E6B00000000000000003E44756E4465664571756970 6D656E745F444C435F5370656369616C5F48756E7472657373 2E4368616C6C656E67652E43726F7373626F775374796C6535 000100

01-05-2012, 02:12 AM
010203 7F7F7F7F 7F FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 00FFFDFE 7F 00038141 00 00FFFDFE 401672C2 3F800000 1B 00000000 7F 00000000 FF000023 817F7F7F 000300 0000 12F430C071E3FC00 00001F40 1B 000000000000000000000000010100000001 00 00 40A00000 40A00000 40A00000 3F800000 3FDC6B27 405702AC 40A00000 3F 80000

I spaced this out into the byte sets that control values. The red font is for byte pairs that control something specific. Your physical damage is good, additional projectiles 0, your projectile speed is a little fast for my taste because I like to see the actual projectiles before they hit, your elemental damage is nulled, but yet you have an elemental damage value of 00FFFDFE which I think you may have missed selecting an elemental damage type.... so I would fix that red byte of 00 to 01 for poison or 02 fire or 03 for electrical... your item size is good.. a little big for my tastes but good. your attack speed is normal which I would increase, your current level is 1B which equals 27 in decimals, mana invested is zero, weapon range is nulled at 7F, no weapon range damage, clip size is FF000023 which is just ridiculously big... lol, reload speed is 81 or +2 in game, knock back bonus & charge speed & shots per second are all nulled at 7F. primary name is 00, secondary name is 03 which is none in game, item quality is 00 which is godly, then you have 00 00 which is you item color and item 2ndary color according to idlehand's tut (yet to confirm this myself on weapons such as blasticus, it may be a UV map wrapping option for weapons in that sense but not sure), then it's your item serial number which I would now change since you posted it, a 4 byte padding of 00001F40 which I'm not sure what these 4 bytes stand for yet on items, then your items max level of 1B which is 27 in game, and then comes 18 bytes of never never land and 1 byte for your item lock and a 1 byte padding before your colors start which is all 4 byte steps, red green blue glow red green blue glow.. I hope this helps you understand what you have going on... don't paste code beyond this point unless your mass producing and changing the serials as you go.

http://i.imgur.com/Hixm8.png (http://www.purchasemods.com)Visit my YouTube Channel for More Mod Support (http://www.youtube.com/user/XboxRainbowMods/featured)http://i.imgur.com/Hixm8.png (http://www.purchasemods.com)
(Click Here) (http://www.youtube.com/user/XboxRainbowMods/featured)

01-05-2012, 02:20 AM
I already helped him, sorry to burst you bubble...:innocent: