View Full Version : Xbox hacking victim tells her story, fights for others

01-10-2012, 01:45 AM
In the current rash of Xbox Live hacking stories (http://www.joystiq.com/2012/01/04/xbox-live-fifa-hack-concerns-continue-to-escalate-microsoft-s/), Susan Taylor's might be the most interesting.
Like many Xbox Live users in recent months, Taylor one day found that her Xbox Live account had been hijacked, and hundreds of dollars in Microsoft Points and Xbox Live subscriptions had been purchased, draining money directly from her linked bank account. And, like many others, the following days were consumed by calls with Microsoft support, attempting to get her stolen money returned and her Xbox Live account safely reinstated.

Her story has many other wrinkles, including a second massive purchase, despite Microsoft's word that her account had been locked, and her own detective work into discovering exactly who had stolen her account and why. Suffice it to say that Taylor's story has a happy ending -- no doubt thanks to a hefty amount of public exposure -- though it certainly wasn't an easy process.

Inspired by her experiences, Taylor has founded HackedOnXbox.com (http://hackedonxbox.com/), on which her story is recounted and others are invited to share their own. We fully suggest you read Taylor's account of events (http://www.hackedonxbox.com/microsoft/), and don't forget that Joystiq is still investigating the issue as well. Be sure to contact us if you have any information.

Noctis Caelum
01-10-2012, 01:49 AM
That's crazy...good share

01-10-2012, 02:17 AM
that really sucks, but just gotta hope for the best

Emerald Lance
01-10-2012, 02:53 AM
How do Xbox accounts get hacked, anyway? I always thought it was just stupid people who give their info to strangers. Is there something else at work here?

01-10-2012, 03:40 AM
How do Xbox accounts get hacked, anyway? I always thought it was just stupid people who give their info to strangers. Is there something else at work here?

Thats how I always thought as well, I always put it down to users who have no idea whats going on, and get exploited, but now it makes me wonder...

kinda on topic, I had some kid try to ask for my email/ password about 6 months ago, little retard saying he's got "1337 haxor skillz" that he will hack me within a week but then goes and asks for both my email and password for xbox, I couldn't stop laughing for well over a month, still do when ever I see him on xbox.
I think I got him banned for this incident on that note, he disappeared for 2 weeks after I sent an email to microsoft support (going by the presumption since I would see him almost once a night on Gears 2)

01-10-2012, 09:13 AM
Thats how I always thought as well, I always put it down to users who have no idea whats going on, and get exploited, but now it makes me wonder...

kinda on topic, I had some kid try to ask for my email/ password about 6 months ago, little retard saying he's got "1337 haxor skillz" that he will hack me within a week but then goes and asks for both my email and password for xbox, I couldn't stop laughing for well over a month, still do when ever I see him on xbox.
I think I got him banned for this incident on that note, he disappeared for 2 weeks after I sent an email to microsoft support (going by the presumption since I would see him almost once a night on Gears 2)

Cool story bro! I get a lot of this in the internet xD