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Bioshock Infinite (Citc) - Downloads - 360Haven

Downloads: Bioshock Infinite (Citc)

Bioshock Infinite (Citc)

Uploaded by Insane JIC - 07-23-2014
Author Author Insane JIC
File Size File Size 473.2 KB
Downloads Downloads 398
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This save will help you unlock Blue Ribbon Champ and Museum Curator. The challenge you need to complete is W1 of
Duke and Dimwit Theater, (Use shotguns only) however you can still use
undertow to pull enemies and return to sender to be use as a shield. It shouldn't prove any challenge if you
already beat all maps and waves. Enjoy!

Update: Added Sergeant-at-Arms and The Ol' One-Two.


01-18-2015 at 04:36 AM
amazing job, work perfect
03-26-2015 at 04:09 AM
The Blue Ribbon Champ save is simply perfect. Some of those challenges looked really fucking annoying to do legit.
Thank you for sharing your save.

Also, a tip for others out there.
Before you go for the achievement, play a few waves on the other maps, that way, the leaderboards
will be forced to sync your newly earned 'ribbons'. It also stops other morons from asking you dumb questions if
they see inconsistent ribbon results on the leaderboards. I was worried about this until I did it myself.
09-06-2021 at 12:46 AM
Thank you !

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