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[PS3] Soul Calibur II HD Editor V1.0.0.0 - Downloads - 360Haven

Downloads: [PS3] Soul Calibur II HD Editor V1.0.0.0

[PS3] Soul Calibur II HD Editor V1.0.0.0

Uploaded by slyfuldragon - 10-25-2014
Author Author slyfuldragon
File Size File Size 98.7 KB
Downloads Downloads 320
+ Download
Version: (10/25/2014)

Much like with my 360 SC II HD Editor, this is build as a standalone PS3 save editor (you must decrypt the save using BruteForce then encrypt the save after you finish saving the changes).

Edit Gold
Edit Weapon Master EXP

Virus Scan


01-04-2015 at 10:06 AM
wil not use it but thank you :)

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