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[PS3] [Beta] MGS Peace Walker CCAPI RTM - Downloads - 360Haven

Downloads: [PS3] [Beta] MGS Peace Walker CCAPI RTM

[PS3] [Beta] MGS Peace Walker CCAPI RTM

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Uploaded by 8Ball - 05-30-2015
Author Author 8Ball
File Size File Size 511.1 KB
Downloads Downloads 285
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Requires ccapi and for some reason mapi installed and running on your ps3. I only used ccapi calls but.. yeah MAPI.
  • S Rank
  • All Items
  • Modify HP/Psyche
  • Job
  • Type
  • Skills
  • Name
  • Auto S rank all soldiers

Known Bugs:
Does not handle being interrupted during the initial scan well at all, let it finish.
May become unstable after ~200+ continual writes to ps3 memory, like when using auto super soldiers, simply run it again or restart the editor.


02-19-2017 at 03:59 PM
I presume this requires Jailbreak, let me ask you a question. Is it possible
that you could just make a save editor of it instead?
04-16-2017 at 09:28 PM
The Metal Gear series is notorious for having difficult to work with savedata, i forget the specifics but i'm pretty sure it's a customised encryption. It was worked on for the 360 but not enough.
It's significantly easier to modify the memory where the protection is non existant or at least more relaxed. A lot of the research data could be ported over from the psp which also utilised memory editing.
Possible yes, happening no.

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