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Metal Gear Solid V: Phantom Pain Starter Save - Downloads - 360Haven

Downloads: Metal Gear Solid V: Phantom Pain Starter Save

Metal Gear Solid V: Phantom Pain Starter Save

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Uploaded by Ultimarok - 09-25-2015
Author Author Ultimarok
File Size File Size 594.0 KB
Downloads Downloads 399
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I made this save at the request of wangzhiqiang as well as for other people who never got to play or own Ground Zeroes, but wanted the bonuses from it in The Phantom Pain. It has all bonuses from Ground Zeroes unlocked.

This save has the prologue cleared and starts with episode 1. Not sure when the bonuses will be unlocked, but I downloaded the Ground Zeroes save data with all the bonuses onto it.

Just replace the zero'd out/anonymized IDs in the save with yours, then rehash and resign.



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