Hi guys! Can sombodey mod my save game or give me a link for a tutorial plz?
Ps here is my save.
Ps2 Money in save 9394
Ps3 Need moneeeey
Hi guys! Can sombodey mod my save game or give me a link for a tutorial plz?
Ps here is my save.
Ps2 Money in save 9394
Ps3 Need moneeeey
I'll put a a tutorial for you. They game it self can't have a save editor(or it can but it would be a search/find type one)
Check back later today, I'll post a couple of video tutorials for you and the others that have asked me in the past. It's simple enough to hex edit so I shouldn't have to go into any extreme details.
Editing, Dumping
This Nerd Won't Quit No Matter What
Thank you. I will wait with impatience ^ ^
Attachment 355 Character Stats, Fols, Stats Books, Skills Books, Scores Books, Potions Pack, Food Pack, Materials Pack, Shops Items Pack.
well i wanted to create an editor for this game... but my only problem is... how to calculate the checksum without using XeAlgorithm
does anyone have an idea ?!
The code that calculate and writes CRC32 is the "writeFile" sub-routine.
Here is a example:
By Extra2000.Code:Code: Public Class Form1 Private SAVEDATA As String = Nothing Private Function CalculateCRC32(ByVal buffer As Byte(), ByVal count As UInt32) As UInt32 Const poly As UInt32 = 3988292384 Const seed As UInt32 = 4294967295 Dim entry As UInt32 = 0 Dim crctable As UInt32() = New UInt32(255) {} For i As UInt32 = 0 To 255 entry = i For j As UInt32 = 0 To 7 If (entry And 1) = 1 Then entry = (entry >> 1) Xor poly Else entry = entry >> 1 End If Next crctable(i) = entry Next Dim crc32 As UInt32 = seed For j As UInt32 = 0 To (count - 1) crc32 = (crc32 >> 8) Xor crctable(((buffer(j) Xor crc32) And &HFF)) Next Return (crc32 Xor seed) End Function Public Sub writeFile(ByVal savedata As String) 'package IO's writer does not implement disposable so we need to handle exceptions 'cautiously Dim IOHandler As PackageIO.IO = Nothing Try 'lets read the bytes we need for crc32 function IOHandler = New PackageIO.IO(savedata) Dim buffer() As Byte IOHandler.Position = 4 buffer = IOHandler.Reader.ReadBytes(IOHandler.Length - 4) 'we got our buffer, time to calculate crc32... Dim Crc32 As UInt32 = CalculateCRC32(buffer, buffer.Length) Dim CrcBytes() As Byte = PackageIO.Functions.ReverseArray(BitConverter.GetBytes(Crc32)) 'bytes obtained, write it to the file... IOHandler.Position = 0 IOHandler.Writer.Write(CrcBytes) Catch ex As Exception 'error happened, you can either display a message box here or ignore the error message 'to get the error message use: ex.Message, i.e.: 'MessageBox.Show(ex.Message) Finally 'clean up codes, not really necessary, but good practice to always clear your 'resources before exiting a sub-routine end sub end class
What i have shown you is reality. What you remember... that is the illusion.
wow... this will really help a lot thank you so much ^-^