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Help with a search tool?

View Poll Results: Do you think a search tool for game ID's would be usful?

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  1. #1
    Haven Donator
    NINJA JAY is offline
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    Help with a search tool?

    I noticed that the new modio does not have a search tool for game ID's anymore and the old modio game ID search tool does not function anymore. Anyway, I was making an excel sheet with all the games and ID's that I know and looking up other on this page http://360.kingla.com/?group=All&sort=&type=#list to include in my excel sheet. But I want to have a tool like the old modio search tool! I do not know how to make a EXE/program...I was hoping that someone here with knowledge could write/code a simple search tool and send the source to me and let me know where to input the game names and ID's and how to format both to show the results in the tool (I totally don't mind doing the tedious typing of 100's of game names and ID's!). I think it would be beneficial as I am constantly looking up game ID's to extract saves to edit! Any help would be great!!!

  2. #2

    JizzaBeez is offline
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    I don't understand what you mean... If you have a list of games with IDs then what do you need to search for? If you open a game or gamesave then you can read the ID from it. If you have a list of the info, then read/parse the list to get the item.

  3. #3
    Haven Donator
    NINJA JAY is offline
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    I know that I can search or just scroll down using my excel sheet to find the game id's but when the tool in (or used to be in) Modio, a box would open and I would type a game name and it would tell me what folder/game ID it was...it was usful and I thought that it would be easier especially when I open my 360 HDD and look through 300 something game ID's to find an old game that I want to HEX the save for. I have no problem now that I keep track of it myself...just thought it would be really cool to have a program on my desktop or any of us could have that allowed us to look up game ID's fast! Like I said...as games came out I would update it (I do it to my list now) but a lot of older games that I played a while back I have to look up online and its a pain in the rear. I hope I explained myself better.

  4. #4

    JizzaBeez is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by NINJA JAY View Post
    I know that I can search or just scroll down using my excel sheet to find the game id's but when the tool in (or used to be in) Modio, a box would open and I would type a game name and it would tell me what folder/game ID it was...it was usful and I thought that it would be easier especially when I open my 360 HDD and look through 300 something game ID's to find an old game that I want to HEX the save for. I have no problem now that I keep track of it myself...just thought it would be really cool to have a program on my desktop or any of us could have that allowed us to look up game ID's fast! Like I said...as games came out I would update it (I do it to my list now) but a lot of older games that I played a while back I have to look up online and its a pain in the rear. I hope I explained myself better.
    Ok well if it's just going to be searching/reading a predetermined list (like a database,excel, xml, etc.) - then you get the list made and formatted correctly depending on it's type (what you have so far so I have an idea of the structure) and I will help you make something to parse the file, search and find items and values, and use them accordingly. I'd probably suggest XML because it would be easy to handle - read/search and get certain elements by name and their values, and also updating and removing elements/values, and also anyone could open the "database" file in notepad or something and edit it manually. Also If it's in XML then it could be included in a webpage/site/served/hosted and then the tool could go "home" and read the "database". With what you're wanting there should be no need for security on the file so that shouldn't be an issue - but if you wanted to encrypt the "database" or something then you still could... Just an idea (not trying to ramble but I'm out there right now... lol)...

  5. #5
    Haven Donator
    NINJA JAY is offline
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    HA HA!!! My prayers have been answered...I havn't opened Horizon all in one in a LONG time and it has a game ID finder under tools and its 100 times better than modio's was. So if anyone needs a search game ID tool it is in horizon! Thank you Jizza, I appreciate you offering the help I had requested!



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