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Star wars: the force unleashed modded save
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  1. #1
    Senior Member
    pirknuts is offline
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    Star wars: the force unleashed modded save

    Anyone got a modded sw:Fu modded save?
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    "When the Rich wage war...It's the Poor who die"

  2. #2
    Haven Donator

    doket is offline
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    do you mean swtfu 1 mod save? i remember i had use a mod save which is inf health save that help me complete the hardest difficult. do let me know the folder id, i will look into my hdd, see i can still find that save...
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  4. #3

    JizzaBeez is offline
    Join Date : Nov 2010
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    You don't need mods for this game, you can use cheat codes and still get achievements (I can confirm this):

    Quote Originally Posted by cheat.cc
    Cheat mode Successfully complete the first mission. Pause the game, and select the "Input Code" option. Then, enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. Alternately, successfully complete the first mission. After gaining access to the Rogue Shadow, you will have the ability enable cheat codes. While on board your ship between missions, select "Extras", then the "Enter Code" option. Enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: Enabling a costume code may prevent some intermissions sequences from being viewed. The game cannot be saved and some achievements cannot be earned when non-costume codes are enabled. To bypass this, reach a checkpoint in a new area after enabling the code(s), then intentionally die, exit to the main menu, and select "Continue". Manually save your game, then quit to the Xbox 360 Dashboard. Continue your saved game to be able to manually save and earn achievements with the code(s) in effect. Note: This must be done before finishing a level, otherwise your profile will be flagged as using cheat codes.

    • Maximum Force powers Enter "KATARN" as a code.
      Maximum Force Push ranks Enter "EXARKUN" as a code.
      Maximum Force Repulse ranks Enter "DATHOMIR" as a code.
      Maximum Saber Throw ranks Enter "ADEGAN" as a code.
      Amplified lightsaber damage Enter "LIGHTSABER" or "COUNTDOOKU" as a code.
      All Force Talents Enter "JOCASTA" as a code to unlock all Force Talents.
      All lightsaber crystals Enter "HURRIKANE" as a code to unlock all lightsaber crystals. Note: Enabling this code will remove all lightsaber related Holocrons on the current saved game file, thus blocking the "Holocron Collector" achievement from being earned. -From: Paul Koven
      All costumes Enter "SOHNDANN" as a code to unlock all 32 costumes. -From: Paul Koven
      All databank entries Enter "OSSUS" as a code to unlock all databank entries.
      All combos Enter "MOLDYCROW" as a code to unlock all combos.
      Aerial Ambush combo Enter "VENTRESS" as a code to unlock the Aerial Ambush combo.
      Aerial Assault combo Enter "EETHKOTH" as a code to unlock the Aerial Assault combo.
      Aerial Blast combo Enter "YADDLE" as a code to unlock the Aerial Blast combo.
      Lightning Bomb combo Enter "MASSASSI" as a code to unlock the Lightning Bomb combo.
      Lightning Grenade combo Enter "RAGNOS" as a code to unlock the Lightning Grenade combo.
      Lightsaber Impale combo Enter "BRUTALSTAB" as a code to unlock the Lightsaber Impale combo.
      Saber Slam combo Enter "PLOKOON" as a code to unlock the Saber Slam combo.
      Saber Sling combo Enter "KITFISTO" as a code to unlock the Saber Sling combo.
      Sith Saber Flurry combo Enter "LUMIYA" as a code to unlock the Sith Saber Flurry combo.
      Sith Slash combo Enter "DARAGON" as a code to unlock the Sith Slash combo.
      Sith Throw combo Enter "SAZEN" as a code to unlock the Sith Throw combo.
      New combo Enter "FREEDON" as a code to unlock a new combo.
      New combo Enter "MARAJADE" as a code to unlock a new combo.

      Play as Emperor Palpatine Enter "MASTERMIND" as a code to unlock Emperor Palpatine.
      Play as General Rahm Kota Enter "MANDALORE" as a code to unlock General Rahm Kota.
      Play as General Rahm Kota (drunken) Enter "HARDBOILED" as a code to unlock General Rahm Kota (drunken).
      Play as Incinerator Trooper Enter "PHOENIX" as a code to unlock Incinerator Trooper.
      Play as Kashyyyk Trooper Enter "TK421GREEN" as a code to unlock Kashyyyk Trooper.
      Play as Proxy Enter "PROTOTYPE" as a code to unlock Proxy.
      Play as Scout Trooper Enter "FERRAL" as a code to unlock Scout Trooper.
      Play as Senator Bail Organa Enter "VICEROY" as a code to unlock Senator Bail Organa.
      Play as Shadow Trooper Enter "BLACKHOLE" as a code to unlock Shadow Trooper.
      Play as Snow Trooper Enter "SNOWMAN" as a code to unlock Snow Trooper.
      Play as Stormtrooper Enter "TK421WHITE" as a code to unlock Stormtrooper.
      Play as Stormtrooper Commander Enter "TK421BLUE" as a code to unlock Stormtrooper Commander.
      Jedi Adventure robe Enter "HOLOCRON" as a code to unlock the Jedi Adventure robe.
      Jedi Ceremonial robe Enter "DANTOOINE" as a code to unlock the Jedi Ceremonial robe.
      Kento's robe Enter "WOOKIEE" as a code to unlock Kento's robe.
      Sith Stalker armor Enter "KORRIBAN" as a code to unlock the Sith Stalker armor.
      Mirrored levels Enter "MINDTRICK" as a code.
      Sith Master mode Enter "SITHSPAWN" as a code to unlock the Sith Master difficulty.

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  6. #4
    Senior Member
    pirknuts is offline
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    Thanks guys! I just bought this game and I have never played it before, but Ive played everything else that is out there so now it's time to check this game out.
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    "When the Rich wage war...It's the Poor who die"



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