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QuikCrypt - Encryption Tool
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  1. #1

    JizzaBeez is offline
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    QuikCrypt - Encryption Tool

    QuikCrypt - encryption tool
    created by: JizzaBeez



    QuikCrypt is just as the name says - a tool to quickly encrypt or decrypt. It uses AES encryption with a 256 bit Key and 128 bit IV. The encryption Key and IV are both obtained from sections of a SHA512 hash computed from the <KEY> and <IV>.

    Usage (in Command Prompt/cmd.exe):


    When entering arguments - be sure to separate each with a space.
    And also there should be no spaces in the arguments themselves.

    *You can also just drag 'n' drop a file onto the application's icon and it will encrypt/decrypt it automatically. Doing this uses a "default" <KEY> and <IV>. The <DIRECTION> will be determined by the extension of the <INPUTFILE>; if it's extension is ".crypt" then it gets decrypted or else it gets encrypted.


    C:\QuikCrypt.exe C:\file.txt Encrypt ABCDEF 123456


    <QUIKCRYPT.EXE> *The Path of the Application.

    <INPUTFILE> *The Path of the Input File.

    <DIRECTION> *Encrypt or Decrypt

    <KEY> *The Key for the Encryption.

    <IV> *The Initialization Vector
    for the Encryption.



    The <KEY> and <IV> should each be a string of any combination
    of ascii/utf characters. There is no minimum length to worry about
    because this Application will convert the string to an array of bytes,
    compute the Hash of the array using SHA512, and then trim the Hash
    to the correct key and iv size. Doing this also makes your keys
    and ivs more secure.


    The encrypted file will be named the original file + ".crypt". So the file to decrypt MUST have the extension ".crypt" or it will damage the file.


    When encrypting - the application will create an XML file in the application's directory that will be named the encrypted file + ".xml". The XML file will contain the output/encrypted file's name and encryption <KEY> and <IV>. When decrypting - if the XML file exists in the application's directory then it will read the <KEY> and <IV> from the XML file and use these to decrypt the file.


    The application will delete any obsolete files when encrypting/decrypting. When encrypting - the application will delete the <INPUTFILE>. When decrypting - the application will delete the <INPUTFILE> and the XML file. So if you want to save any file then you should back it up before proceeding.


    I have also included a file named "Command Prompt.bat" for those of you who don't know how to open cmd.exe... Just double-click "Command Prompt" to open the cmd.exe window.



    Welcome to 360Haven!
    57 65 6C 63 6F 6D 65 20 74 6F 20 33 36 30 48 61 76 65 6E 21

    46 3C DC C1 6D 04 8F 21 E4 BD 01 72 04 8E D7 C0 C8 95 01 75 1B 62 04 DF 19 67 F0 71 E8 F8 65 C9

    Welcome to 360Haven!
    57 65 6C 63 6F 6D 65 20 74 6F 20 33 36 30 48 61 76 65 6E 21



    PS: I did not protect the application (obfuscate) so if you would like the Source then you are welcome to disassemble it. :)

    Also, I did not realize it but there are other apps on the internet named "QuikCrypt"... I did not know this at the time of conception, and this application is in no way related to or derived from ANY other program - i.e., I made this myself.

  2. The Following 6 Users Say Thank You to JizzaBeez For This Useful Post:

  3. #2
    Renegade is offline
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    Nice work JizzerFizzer.

  4. #3

    pureIso is offline
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    Well done mate :)
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  5. #4
    The Immortal God

    CloudStrife7x is offline
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    nice tool jizzabeez
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  6. #5

    JizzaBeez is offline
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    Has anyone tried this yet? With it being command-based I figured people may not know how to use it or have problems with it... I tried to make it where it needed as little interaction as possible, so the drag 'n' drop to encrypt/decrypt should be really easy but if you want to specify key/iv (passwords) then you must use command. I may include the option to select the Crypto Provider (AES, DES, etc.) if anyone actually uses it...

  7. #6

    Re: QuikCrypt - Encryption Tool

    Nice tool. You can find a 512bit though that can go lower and has the option for auto back up out there for free.
    I have heard a 1024bit being hacked though.

  8. #7
    Noctis Caelum

    Re: QuikCrypt - Encryption Tool

    pretty old tool...might be useful...

  9. #8

    Re: QuikCrypt - Encryption Tool

    Sorry, if I brought it back from the dead it was still on the first page for me. I also did not look at the age of post till red hulk posted.


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