After Burner Climax - Save Editor
Version :
Created by : JizzaBeez
How to use :
1) Open a After Burner Climax gamesave in the editor.
2) Make any changes then save the file.
3) Rehash and Resign after editing/saving.
After Burner Climax - Save Editor
Version :
Created by : JizzaBeez
How to use :
1) Open a After Burner Climax gamesave in the editor.
2) Make any changes then save the file.
3) Rehash and Resign after editing/saving.
Last edited by JizzaBeez; 06-03-2012 at 04:28 PM.
Man do I ever miss these days..
"If you can get 30 seconds of fun, you can pretty much stretch that out to be an entire game. So you can have all the great graphics, all the different characters,
and lots of different weapons with amazing effects but if you don't nail that 30 seconds, you're not going to have a great game." ~Jamie Griesemer (Halo 2 Design Lead)