well known hacker i don’t want to reveal here had all the Sony PlayStation Network functions 100% decrypted as well as providing some nice info about how Sony dealing with PSN members privacy in their online servers.
Apparently, Sony server gathered everything they can from the PSN connected PS3 console. When i said everything, i meant it. Here, i make all the list of what they squeezed from the IRC chat logs conversation between the hackers.
*Sony monitors all messages over PSN.
*All connected devices return values sent to Sony server returns TV, Firmware version, Firmware type, Console model
*They also collects data in your USB attached device.
*Credit card sent as plain text, example: creditCard.paymentMethodId=VISA&creditCard.holderN ame=Max&creditCard.cardNumber=4558254723658741&cre ditCard.expireYear=2012&creditCard.expireMonth=2&c reditCard.securityCode=214&creditCard.address.addr ess1=example street%2024%20&creditCard.address.city=city1%20&cr editCard.address.province=abc%20&creditCard.addres s.postalCode=12345%20
*The best part of all, the list is stored online and updated when u login PSN and random.
But, that’s not all, with the PSN functions fully decrypted, this hacker can use the function to get all games, DLC, you name it, from PSN store without paying anything.
Wow, i am just speechless! We can really sue Sony for monitoring ALL data including our credit card info providing that we are connected to PSN, of course. Man, that is really big fail, as well as the PSN fail oh and the PS3 fail. Everything just FAIL, Sony!
You can read the IRC chat logs at the link below. We censored the names just to be safe
Edit - Here is also a PDF that some anonymous hackers have produced to share with the world, It's pretty interesting too.
PDF - http://demo.ovh.com/download/e1ae850...05ee20/psn.pdf