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  1. #1
    Senior Member
    lickerout is offline
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    Angry halo reach server problem

    i'm having problems connecting to the halo reach servers, it just keeps saying halo reach server is not available at this time please try again later, and it's been like that for the last 2-3 days anyone have any idea whats going on? as far as i know i haven't been banned (no messages to say i have been) just no xbox live matchmaking and challenges (so i can't earn any credits from the challenges just from game complete after level and no kill credits either) as far as i can tell (anyone know if it's like black ops where they temp ban you till they can check the account or something).

    i also can't connect to the ea server for nfs shift same sort of thing.

  2. #2
    Haven Donator

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    i can connect i think u may have been banned :( sorry dude if thats the case

  3. #3
    Senior Member
    lickerout is offline
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    if i have been banned i don't know what for because i only played a couple of games online and was mostly playing campaign mode in single player i'm not even a sargent yet (i had only just compleated the game on easy a few day's after i got it).

  4. #4
    Emerald Lance

    Emerald Lance is offline
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    Other than normal gameplay, have you attempted to mod your game/save in any way? Bungie is REALLY good at finding that out, and they ban unmercifully.
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    Quote Originally Posted by SaiyanPrince302, commenting on how to become a Super Saiyan,
    "I know where these guys are going, but in all seriousness, just trying to imagine loved ones being killed almost never works. Be a man and travel into space and shoot at asteroids until you get yourself in an actual life threatening situation."

  5. #5
    Senior Member
    lickerout is offline
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    no i'd only had it a day or two and about 8 1/2 hours gameplay i'd only compleated it on easy to start with to get used to the levels and had a couple of games online to see what the community was like (from the one's i joined it wasn't very good), and i already knew it was unmoddable for credits and stuff because all the challenges and stuff like that are all held on bungie's system.

  6. #6
    Emerald Lance

    Emerald Lance is offline
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    Hmmm... Indeed, that is a conundrum. You may try to contact Bungie customer service, and see what the dileo is. It may very well be a glitch in their system that they may or may not be aware of, so they may not even know that anybody is having problems.
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    Quote Originally Posted by SaiyanPrince302, commenting on how to become a Super Saiyan,
    "I know where these guys are going, but in all seriousness, just trying to imagine loved ones being killed almost never works. Be a man and travel into space and shoot at asteroids until you get yourself in an actual life threatening situation."

  7. #7
    Senior Member
    lickerout is offline
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    just recieved an email from bungie saying

    "There are two types of bans. If you are banned from all Xbox live games you need to contact Xbox live at 800-4my-xbox or http://www.xbox.com/en-US/support/contact/. If you are banned from Halo 3 or Reach matchmaking only please continue reading.

    Bans from matchmaking cannot be appealed. Currently, bans are being handed out for a few things. Some of you know exactly why you should be banned. If not, www.bungie.net/ban or www.bungie.net/probation have the information you need. The bottom line is bans are doled out for hurting other players' experience. Most bans are temporary. Sit tight, stop doing what you were doing and you’ll be back in no time. For more information about bans, see www.bungie.net/ban or www.bungie.net/probation"

    which gave me no answer what so ever, as to if i have been banned or not nor how to actually sort it out.
    but it was an autoreply so maybe i'll get an answer from them later.

  8. #8
    You won't get a reply from them. But the good news is that it isn't a ban. If you are banned, it will give you a message telling you that you are banned and what you are banned from and how long the ban is for. Trust me, I've been banned tons of times on Halo 2 and Halo 3 and I don't think they would change the way they inform people about bans in Reach. The server issues have happened to me multiple times on Halo 3, never on Reach, though. Most of the time signing out and constantly trying to go into Matchmaking worked. You can also try loading up maps and then trying to go into Matchmaking. It's an odd issue that you get sometimes.


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