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Visceral shows off first Dead Space 2: Severed footage
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    Visceral shows off first Dead Space 2: Severed footage

    Visceral shows off first Dead Space 2: Severed footage
    As part of their DLC plans for Dead Space 2, developer Visceral Games will be releasing Dead Space 2: Severed, a downloadable pack that extends the fight against the necromorphs with two standalone single-player chapters.

    One thing that sets Severed apart from the main Dead Space 2 game is that it doesn't star Isaac Clarke. Instead, The main characters from Dead Space: Extraction will be taking the helm.

    During the latest episode of Visceral's "Questions with Steve" video series, Dead Space 2 executive producer Steve Papoutsis talked a bit about the game and showed off a short clip from it.
    So far, all we know aside from the characters is that Severed's storyline will run in parallel to Isaac's. Gabe is now a Sprawl security guard and must get both hiumself and Lexine to safety while fighting off hordes of necromorphs.

    Papoutsis, who admits that he doesn't like going into spoiler territory, only had this to say about the DLC:

    "Severed does focus around Gabe Weller and Lexine Murdoch, characters that are from Dead Space: Extraction.

    Anything beyond that I really don't want to get into because I don't want to wreck the surprise. So check it out, it's gonna be fun, it's gonna have lots of cool stuff in it, and I hope you and everybody else enjoys it."
    You can check out Gabe and Lexine's HD makeovers in the video below. Papoutsis starts talking about the DLC pack at the 1:52 mark. The short Severed clip starts at the 2:11 mark.

    Dead Space 2: Severed will be released on PSN and Xbox Live. Visceral has yet to announce a specific release date or price point.
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    Emerald Lance

    Emerald Lance is offline
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    I gotta admit, this does seem pretty sexy.
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    Quote Originally Posted by SaiyanPrince302, commenting on how to become a Super Saiyan,
    "I know where these guys are going, but in all seriousness, just trying to imagine loved ones being killed almost never works. Be a man and travel into space and shoot at asteroids until you get yourself in an actual life threatening situation."



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