i know i asked this before. but, MS just reset my damn score again. i didnt even mess with the points. my question is. anybody here know how to mod the slim?
mod chip
i know i asked this before. but, MS just reset my damn score again. i didnt even mess with the points. my question is. anybody here know how to mod the slim?
mod chip
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c4eva is still working on slim. I just look at your profile on xbox.com it looks like they even removed your acheivements when it normally doesnt happen like that when you get reset. normally your score goes to zero but your earn acheivements are still there. i say just recover you profile and maybe you can just re earn your acheivements.
thx for the info.
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first time they did it. i was unlocking the achievements. while i was playing bulletstorm. i went to check what ive unlocked so far. and, it went back to zero. i deleted my profile & downloaded it. it was still at zero. i did it to get my score reset the first time. they did put me as a cheater. its not like i was using glitches or cheating at playing online.
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yup. almost 45000 points down the drain.
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Seems like alot of people have been hit with the 'corrupt profile' reset over the last day or so. I've had the same thing show up on mine.
Oddly enough, it's from alot of people who were playing Bulletstorm early. I'm curious to see who else this has happened to.