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(Figured it out)help with xbdecompress?
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    What (Figured it out)help with xbdecompress?

    I have found out what I was doing wrong. so would a mod please delete this thread.

    hello, If this is in the wrong section I apologize, I figured it might go here since this is the support section but I may be wrong.

    Ok, So i found out that you can use xbdecomepress from the xbox360 SDK to decompress compressed files from games.
    Now, what I am having some issues with is actually getting it to work lol.
    I know that "star wars: the force unleashed 2" can be decompressed with xbdecompress.

    So, if anyone is familiar with this, can you be kind enough to help me understand it better?
    Thanks in advance.
    Last edited by ~Vonkova~; 03-03-2011 at 08:46 PM.



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