Dragon Age Origins 2 has been leaked im downloading as we speak
Dragon Age Origins 2 has been leaked im downloading as we speak
share the leak if its the full game and playable with not to many bugs, keep us updated on this awsome game :D
EDIT: oow ye hope its region free
yes it is region free
I just noticed as well, should have it just before i retire to bed to play pokemon white.
Apparently it's being a bit of a bastard for the jtag scene with the update removal not working to nicely, least its not a Ap2.5 but that doesn't effect my sammy anyway.
Last edited by 8Ball; 03-06-2011 at 11:13 PM.
If you use this on a (12611) JTAG, you need to remove the minimum lib check in the xex, I just used gamehack and it worked a charm btw.
sucks my 360 isnt modded... :(
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well then it's maybe time for you to mod it ^-^
i think i'll try this one too ^-^