Just got finished watching Gurren Lagann. God dammit, it was awesome! I mean mind numbingly brilliant!
Just got finished watching Gurren Lagann. God dammit, it was awesome! I mean mind numbingly brilliant!
Originally Posted by SaiyanPrince302, commenting on how to become a Super Saiyan,
Finally u did it !!! ^^ WHO THE HELL DO U THINK WE ARE ???!!!! SPIRAL POWER TO THE MAX !!!
p.s. Poor Kamina btw =(
I've stopt watching the show after seeing Kamina die.
yeah it sucked that kamina died, but i finished the season and watched both movies still, SPIRAL POWER has nothing on OMNISLASH, lol
Wait, they have movies?! I didn't know that! I have just learned that my quest is not finished, and thus I must continue to press on until I've seen these fabled videos! RAW! RAW! FIGHT THE POWER!
Kamina's death affected me too. But at least they didn't treat his death as a simple one-time plot device, but instead made it pivotal to the entire story. Like the time where everybody is trapped in the multidimensional labyrinth? The scene where Simon beat the crap outta the wimpy Kamina and the manly Kamina just watched and grinned: beautiful! ^-^
Originally Posted by SaiyanPrince302, commenting on how to become a Super Saiyan,
Yay there are two movies the first one is a compilation of the eps. 1-15 its called-Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann: Guren-hen (movie)
The second is the sequel to the anime series it take place seven years after the end of the anime its called-Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann: Ragan-hen (movie)
I watched both and liked them, Emerald continue your quest u must not fail the fate of mankind depends on it