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The new Mortal Kombat: How hard do you think it will be to crack? (Possible Spoilers)
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  1. #1
    Mister Epic

    The new Mortal Kombat: How hard do you think it will be to crack? (Possible Spoilers)

    Think it'll be difficult to make a save editor for this one when it comes out?

    Here is an English Localization Text File for it that I found via GameFAQs (WARNING! Game Spoilers contained in the file as well!):


    It apparently has all the game's coding in it. I didn't check it for fear of spoilers. Credit apparently goes to some guy called NotOnL8LY for finding this. Not sure if it has anything applicable in it regarding modding.

    So what's your guess guys, gals and programmers?

  2. #2
    Mister Epic
    I just realized that the file was cracked and grabbed from the PS3 demo... So I guess that won't help us.

    HOWEVER! This means that one of our people could still crack open the 360 demo when it comes out and have a look at all its coding and contents, then see if it'll be easy to crack and make a save editor for or not.

    If someone was able to crack the PS3 demo, then we can crack the 360. Go 360Haven!

  3. #3
    Mister Epic
    Just realized that this useless for determining how hard or easy it will be to hack since it is nothing but a text file with no real significant code regarding hacking/save editing.

    My bad! Moderators, go ahead and lock or archive this if you will. Sorry for the trouble and triple post.

  4. #4
    What would there be to hack on Mortal Kombat? Does this one have a XP system or something?

  5. #5
    Mister Epic
    Money for the Krypt and unlocks in general. Just do your research on the game. Look around on Google or GameFAQs.

    Unfortunately a LOT of shit has been leaked for this game, spoilers included. So you'll have no trouble finding out what you need to know.

    But basically there are a lot of unlockables in this game such as concept art, a character or two, alternate costumes, "Klassic" costumes and other such stuff. Most of it can be bought in the Krypt using Kredits or Koins. (Not sure what the new name of the money system is in this game.) So we can max out the money for unlocking stuff in the Krypt and whatnot.

    Who knows, maybe we can edit the game to the point of-


    -Having all floors of the 300-floor tower unlocked or marked as complete, for instance. (NO FUN in that, however. I'd rather do them MYSELF. But it's nice for those who want that in an editor, I suppose.)

    But yeah, there you go.

    Either ways, this topic/thread should probably locked or closed soon since I realized that this is merely a text file and no actual coding towards editable gameplay.

  6. #6

    pureIso is offline
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    I saw a preview of this game and I am well impressed although I am still waiting for Street Fighter x Tekken!!!
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  7. #7
    Mister Epic
    Quote Originally Posted by pureIso View Post
    I saw a preview of this game and I am well impressed although I am still waiting for Street Fighter x Tekken!!!
    Not to be off-topic, but when is that game coming out anyways? Not sure if I'll be getting it, but it looks interesting, so long as it uses the Street Fighter-style inputs rather than the Tekken ones.

    On-topic: You should probably try out the MK demo on a friends PS3 if you can and perhaps considering keeping up with the news on this game if it interests you. Beware of spoilers, though, as this game has unfortunately been hacked (The demo) and leaked to Hell and back.

  8. #8
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    longy999 is offline
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    Apparently theres a huge reward for clearing the 300th floor of the challenge tower, cant wait to see what it is. Ed Boon said that nobody will be dissapointed with it.


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