Metal Slug 3 XBLA +6 Trainer [584108CF]
Created By: MBRKiNG
Trainer Options:
- P1 Inf Lifes
- P1 Inf Bombs
- P1 Inf Arms
- P2 Inf Lifes
- P2 Inf Bombs
- P2 Inf Arms
1. Download the attached files.
2. Unrar the files
3. Move the extracted "Metal Slug 3 XBLA" Folder to your XBOX 360 HDD
4. Launch the trainer_launcher.xex "TRAINER WAS LOADED INTO THE MEMORY!!"
5. You can now start game by God/DVD/Extracted..
6. Press Start+Back while in the game and follow the on-screen instructions
7. Press a Number to activate an CheatCode.