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HOWTO : Homefront Battle Code Bypass
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  1. #1

    HOWTO : Homefront Battle Code Bypass

    How to Get Homefront - Free online Battle Code

    If this is in the wrong section I apologize but tutorials seemed to fit it best

    How to Transfer

    1. Need at least a 1 gig flash memory stick ..... USB memory Stick in other words.

    2. Configure the USB stick on your xbox. (plug in your usb stick. Goto system/memory/usb storage device/configure)

    3. Download Homefront Battlecode Bypass.zip

    4. Extract to a folder.

    5. Before we go any further .. copy a arcade game from your hdd to the usb stick

    6. Put you usb stick into your PC.... and load the USB XSTAF program (or whatever tool you use that has USB capabilities) ... select file/open drive

    7. You will see cache partition and data partition. Double click data and then you will see Content. Click Content ONCE so you get in the right hand screen 0000000000000000.

    8. From the downloaded you will see the folders 54510846 and E0000314FA66194C.

    9. drag over the folder E0000314FA66194C to the same windows as the folder 0000000000000000.

    10. Double click on the 0000000000000000 folder in the left hand window so it shows your arcade game in the right window (will be represented by 8 numbers). Drag over 54510846 into the same window.

    11. close down USB XSTAF or program of your choiceproperly before you take out the usb stick. This will corrupt the files if not.

    12. Plug the usb stick into your xbox.

    13. Log onto controller 1 with your own user profile.

    14. Log into controller 2 with the modded profile. (press the xbox button in the centre of your controller and press x to sign in)

    15. Once its logged in you can turn off controller 2. NOT log out though.

    16. Load the game normally with your controller and profile

    17. After doing the correct step, you will have completed the process. If you have any problems, feel free to replay that you think didn't work

    *EDIT* Note this is required to level beyond level 5 not sure if you need to use the USB bypass once you hit level 6 and beyond but I am continuing to do so just in case.

    Credit for this goes out to the person behind http://www.freeonlinebattlecode.blogspot.com who seems to be known only as admin. Even then no clue if he was the original behind it. Figured i would upload the file here so you don't have to worry about that damn survey.

  2. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to purpletentacles For This Useful Post:

  3. #2
    Going to try this hope it still works



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